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Hello Bikini Bottom!

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Airdate:October 8, 2012
@8:00 pm EST
Season: 8
Prod. Number: 178
Air Number: 178
Directors:Aaron Springer and Sean Carmatz (Storyboard), Vincent Waller (Creative), and Alan Smart, Andrew Overtoom, and Tom Yasumi (Animation)
Writers:Aaron Springer, Sean Charmatz, and Dani Michaeli
Songs:Never Give Up
High Tide Time
Hello Bikini Bottom "Supermarket" Tune
Plot:Colonel Carper gets SpongeBob and Squidward to form a band together, while Mr. Krabs tries to make his own profits from their success.
On Video:
The Complete Eighth Season

Random Quotes (View Transcript)
"Uh, excuse me, is there any way I could do this tour as a soloist?"

"Sorry Squidward but that is physically impossible!"
-Mr. Krabs