06b. Pickles


Flying Dutchman's Sock
Dec 12, 2016
In the land of awesome cartoons.
Decent episode. Sometimes, I forget about it, even though there are other ones I forget too (ie, "Neptune's Spatula", "The Paper"). Still an interesting story, especially since this is SB's (only?) rival. 7.9/10
Nov 10, 2017
United States
Bubble Bass! It's a shame we didn't see him more. SpongeBob forgets the pickles, and then he loses his mind. Literally. But plot twist! The pickles were there the whole time. Not a bad plot.

Airdate: August 21, 1999


Floating Shopping List
Feb 21, 2017
This episode is a classic. It's hard not to laugh in this episode. Favorite character: Squidward. Best quotes: "Let me guess, Tiny, a small salad?" and "We serve food here, sir." 10/10.
Nov 10, 2017
United States
Underappreciated episode. It's really funny, has a great storyline, and has great tension.

Ranking so far:
1. Pickles (A+)
2. Pizza Delivery (A+)
3. Plankton! (A)
4. Naughty Nautical Neighbors (A)
5. Help Wanted (A)
6. Boating School (B)
7. Bubblestand (B)
8. Home Sweet Pineapple (B)
9. Jellyfishing (B)
10. Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy (C)
11. Tea at the Treedome (C)
12. Ripped Pants (C)
13. Reef Blower (C)


Floating Shopping List
Sep 20, 2019
County Carlow Ireland
Not one of my personal favorites mainly because the episode kinda drags for me at points but even still this is a really memorable and great episode. Bubble Bass is a great character and this episode has got some really funny moments, mostly from Squidward, Bubble Bass and Mr Krabs, I don't really like the scene at Spongebo's house never found it too interesting or funny but I really love the western themes here and how Spongebob does expose Bubble Bass. So overall a good episode just not one of my all time favorites.

Great Episode 8/10


#1 SpongeBob Reviewer
Apr 23, 2016
This episode's a classic. What really stands out to me looking back on it is that it's a really low-energy episode compared to other episodes of SpongeBob, and that's probably because it's parodying Old Westerns. Just with the music and jokes and everything, this episode is a lot more...tense than other episodes. It's hard to explain. It isn't the funniest episode in the show but I'm fine with that because the episode is simply entertaining. I will say that the pace feels much slower compared to other episodes, and while that's good for what the episode is, that doesn't make it the most enjoyable for me personally.

Amazing episode: 9.3/10

(Fun fact: I have a picture of me from when I was 4 with Pickles airing on the TV in the background)


Moby Dollar
May 13, 2020
Weenie Hut Jr's.
This one was a fun time. The atmosphere and parody of classic western movies and the like was really good. Spongebob losing his mind and doing everything wrong was really entertaining, and Bubblebass is a really funny character imo. The pacing was a little slow at points, which is a problem I have with several of season 1's episodes, but this episode was overall really good and manages to tell a really interesting and fun story.

Good episode (8/10)

1. Pizza Delivery (10)
2. Plankton! (9)
3. Naughty Nautical Neighbors (9)
4. Help Wanted (9)
5. Pickles (8)
6. Ripped Pants (8)
7. Tea at the Treedome (7)
8. Home Sweet Pineapple (7)
9. Boating School (7)
10. Bubblestand (7)
11. Mermaidman and Barnacleboy (7)
12. Reef Blower (6)
13. Jellyfishing (5)


Squidward's Clarinet
Jun 8, 2021
Squidward's Tiki Island

Not too bad for a first appearance. One of the things I like about this episode is how Bubble Bass is actually more like a mean food critic like he was supposed to be, than just a fat lazy bum later on. I really like this Bubble Bass more. One thing that I don't like is the pacing. It's pretty slow and it doesn't go any faster, so now it just feels sort of boring almost. But I do like the plot. The humor in the first half is pretty bland, but in the second half it ain't bad.

Naughty Nautical Neighbors: (10/10)
Ripped Pants: (10/10)
Tea at the TreeDome: (10/10)
Help Wanted: (9.5/10)
Pizza Delivery: (9/10)
Plankton!: (9/10)
Boating School: (8.5/10)
Bubblestand: (8.5/10)
Reef Blower: (7.5/10)
Pickles: (7/10)
Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy I: (6.5/10)
Home Sweet Pineapple: (6.5/10)
Jellyfishing: (1.5/10)


Bomb-Selling Pirate
Feb 14, 2022
Inside an arcade machine
This episode introduces Bubble Bass, one of my favorite SpongeBob antagonists, and he is amazing here. He's the main source of the high-quality comedy, but there were some other jokes in this episode, such as the "car keys" joke, and Spongebob forgetting how to do everything. The actual plot is also really good. Bubble bass is really good at freaking Spongebob out, and I believe the sequences of him trying to cope (with Mr. Krabs' aid) are very nicely paced. I love the twist ending too.
Overall, awesome episode.


The Pokemon Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2021
SpongeBuddy Mania
Bubble Bass was a fun character here. The jokes in this one were funny and the episode is very very very very suspenseful!

Rating: Amazing Episode

Pizza Delivery (Amazing!)
Reef Blower (Amazing!)
Help Wanted (Amazing!)
Pickles (Amazing!)
Plankton! (Amazing!)
Naughty Nautical Neighbors (Amazing!)
Bubblestand (Great)
Jellyfishing (Great)
MMABB (Great)
Ripped Pants (Okay)
Boating School (Okay)
Tea at the Treedome (Meh)
Home Sweet Pineapple (Bad)


#1 SpongeBob Reviewer
Apr 23, 2016
This episode's a classic. What really stands out to me looking back on it is that it's a really low-energy episode compared to other episodes of SpongeBob, and that's probably because it's parodying Old Westerns. Just with the music and jokes and everything, this episode is a lot more...tense than other episodes. It's hard to explain. It isn't the funniest episode in the show but I'm fine with that because the episode is simply entertaining. I will say that the pace feels much slower compared to other episodes, and while that's good for what the episode is, that doesn't make it the most enjoyable for me personally.
My review from 2020 kind of says it all in a much more concise way than I can do now, it seems. To expand on this review, I want to say that I love the Old Western style of this episode, it just works so well.

Although we'd see Bubble Bass very little after this episode (until more recently), he was a beloved character for a reason. Man's is funny and has so much personality in his short appearance in "Pickles". Speaking of characters, everyone is on their A game in this episode (actual plot notwithstanding). SpongeBob, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward are just great here, and as always it's nice to see more sides to SpongeBob than the cheery happy sponge (although I love that side too). And I love when Mr. Krabs is a good boss to SpongeBob.

"Pickles" is full of iconic moments from beginning to end, which can't be said about many episodes. We have Bubble Bass' order, his throwing of Squidward, his taking money from Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob's breakdown, Mr. Krabs' and SpongeBob's training, SpongeBob getting mad, and then the final showdown at the end. How many other episodes have this many iconic moments? Not many.

This episode's classic status is...quiet, compared to how people talk about episodes like "Band Geeks", "Pizza Delivery", "Chocolate With Nuts", and the like. People talk about it and rave about it, but it feels so much more subdued than how other episodes are praised. It's like it's status as a classic is just so understood there's no need to shout it from the rooftops. Maybe that's just me. Either way, I love it, because I don't have to worry about wondering whether this episode is overrated.

I'd like to amend the ending part of my 2020 review. At the time, the slow pace of the episode didn't work with me. It does now. I've always appreciated how the slow pace makes the episode what it is, but now I can actually enjoy that slow pace because it lets all the moments breathe, as I've said before during these season 1 reviews.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.4/10


Happiest Sponge Alive
Aug 28, 2022
My review from 2020 kind of says it all in a much more concise way than I can do now, it seems. To expand on this review, I want to say that I love the Old Western style of this episode, it just works so well.

Although we'd see Bubble Bass very little after this episode (until more recently), he was a beloved character for a reason. Man's is funny and has so much personality in his short appearance in "Pickles". Speaking of characters, everyone is on their A game in this episode (actual plot notwithstanding). SpongeBob, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward are just great here, and as always it's nice to see more sides to SpongeBob than the cheery happy sponge (although I love that side too). And I love when Mr. Krabs is a good boss to SpongeBob.

"Pickles" is full of iconic moments from beginning to end, which can't be said about many episodes. We have Bubble Bass' order, his throwing of Squidward, his taking money from Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob's breakdown, Mr. Krabs' and SpongeBob's training, SpongeBob getting mad, and then the final showdown at the end. How many other episodes have this many iconic moments? Not many.

This episode's classic status is...quiet, compared to how people talk about episodes like "Band Geeks", "Pizza Delivery", "Chocolate With Nuts", and the like. People talk about it and rave about it, but it feels so much more subdued than how other episodes are praised. It's like it's status as a classic is just so understood there's no need to shout it from the rooftops. Maybe that's just me. Either way, I love it, because I don't have to worry about wondering whether this episode is overrated.

I'd like to amend the ending part of my 2020 review. At the time, the slow pace of the episode didn't work with me. It does now. I've always appreciated how the slow pace makes the episode what it is, but now I can actually enjoy that slow pace because it lets all the moments breathe, as I've said before during these season 1 reviews.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.4/10
this episode is a classic


South Park Elementary Student of the Month
Feb 19, 2024
Ah, my first review of this episode. A lot of the other episodes I'd reviewed briefly before, but this one is a first! I was watching this one the other day, the beginning of Bubble Bass.

I never really thought Bubble Bass would be a recurring character after this one, but I guess I was wrong. Now for the actual episode though...
I love the Old Western style of this episode, it just works so well
And now that I think and now that it's been said... this was the first episode to use the Old Western style! And they really made a good intro to it, with the whole face-off at the ending part.

For the actual episode. Squidward made some good sarcastic jokes in the beginning, I love sarcastic humor, and I'm a big sarcastic humor person myself. "Daring today, aren't we?", "How original.", "Thanks, Farmer Brown, it's been a thrill serving you.", "Let me guess, tiny, a small salad?", "Are you planning on ordering today, sir?". Seriously all these quotes remind me of why I like Squid so much.

So for Bubble Bass's order. "I'll take a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, four by four, animal-style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim." copied from ESB. There's a forum somewhere on SpongeBuddy explaining what all this means, it's definitely worth a read any time you get the chance.

But then to continue. I loved seeing SpongeBob forget everything. I love it when the SpongeBob characters go insane, he forgets how to do everything. And that's super relatable, I forget how to do everyday things very often, that short-term memory loss and my terrible focus. But seeing SpongeBob forget how to sleep was funny. I liked the part when Mr. Krabs came over to help SpongeBob remember how to make a patty again. Eventually, SpongeBob snaps (and makes a perfect patty while going on a rant), and then there's the face-off scene I mentioned earlier.
You forgot THE PICKLES
Sorry this is a really old quote, I just wanted to add it in! The fact Bubble Bass basically just wanted to see SpongeBob go crazy makes him a great antagonist. He follows in the Pure Evil alignment, he has no other motivation but to make SpongeBob go crazy.

But as the episode concludes and Bubble Bass runs away after being outed, I think it's funny how he runs and hammers on the ground and can barely breathe. Reminds me of someone. I'm joking ofc.

This episode is another really good Krusty Krab episode!

8/10 episode, it's not my #1 favorite or anything, but super enjoyable to watch.