05a. Pizza Delivery


Born On January 14
Apr 20, 2021
MattheSpongeFanatic called this episode overrated for being somewhat boring.


Squidward's Clarinet
Jun 8, 2021
Squidward's Tiki Island

This episode is overrated, but it's not bad. The idea of a Krabby Patty pizza is interesting, but the execution is a tad weak. This is one of the funniest season 1 episodes, I'll give it that. This is also a pretty quotable episode, some of them I'll quote: "It's not just a boulder! It's a rock!", "Well this one's on the house!", "You call yourself a delivery boy? Well I'm out!" *slams door*, "It's just a stupid boulder!", "Krrustty kraaaab pizza, is the pizza for you and meeeeeeee!".

Naughty Nautical Neighbors: (10/10)
Ripped Pants: (10/10)
Tea at the TreeDome: (10/10)
Help Wanted: (9.5/10)
Pizza Delivery: (9/10)
Plankton!: (9/10)
Boating School: (8.5/10)
Bubblestand: (8.5/10)
Reef Blower: (7.5/10)
Jellyfishing: (1.5/10)


Floating Shopping List
Jun 28, 2021
New York City
I really don't think this episode is overrated. This is my 2nd favorite SpongeBob episode and here's why. This episode is hilarious, this is probably the most I've laughed in Season 1 so far. The Squidward and SpongeBob dynamic is my favorite plot line in the show and it's done masterfully here. Not to mention having the Krusty Krab deliver a pizza is something the show would have to do eventually or at least a delivery where they end up in a bad situation. Lastly the ending is amazing. Seeing Squidward do that for SpongeBob shows that he actually cares about him, and that's something I really enjoy. Truly a masterpiece.

#10. Tea At The Treedome (D)

#9. Jellyfishing (C)
#8. Ripped Pants (C)
#7. Reef Blower (C)
#6. Bubblestand (A)
#5. Plankton! (A)
#4. Boating School (A)
#3. Help Wanted (A)
#2. Naughty Nautical Neighbors (
#1. Pizza Delivery (A)


The Pokemon Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2021
SpongeBuddy Mania
Pizza Delivery is a classic! Its overrated but the jokes were neat! But the cocky fish guy was the reason why its amazing but not perfect.

Rating: Amazing Episode

Pizza Delivery (Amazing!)
Reef Blower (Amazing!)
Help Wanted (Amazing!)
Plankton! (Amazing!)
Naughty Nautical Neighbors (Amazing!)
Bubblestand (Great)
Jellyfishing (Great)
Ripped Pants (Okay)
Boating School (Okay)
Tea at the Treedome (Meh)


#1 SpongeBob Reviewer
Apr 23, 2016
"Pizza Delivery" is funny. Let's not beat around the bush. Joke after joke come and go and they're all hilarious. One thing that helps this episode is that it has such a simple plot. Two qualifications there: 1) this episode is not boring by any means (it continues to be engaging throughout, it never drags for me), and 2) this is not to say complex plots aren't funny. I only mean that having a simple plot allows for more jokes since they aren't told at the expense of the story. This also means that there's a lot more rooms for the jokes to breathe. I think my favorite joke of the episode is either "backing up" or when Squidward says he doesn't care about the customer and the weather just stops so SpongeBob can say the squid's name, affronted. The ever-iconic hitchhiking scene and "not a boulder, it's a rock" are good contenders too. I definitely quote the latter way more than I should.

And let's talk about how heartwarming the end of this episode is, when Squidward (who up until this point has not shown any warmth towards SpongeBob) stands up for SpongeBob against the jerkwad customer! This moment is so touching and heartwarming because of what I said before about Squidward's lack of warmth towards SpongeBob, and also because we're always rooting for the little yellow guy. Up until this point, we've never seen SpongeBob cry. And yes, there is humor here with how ridiculous SpongeBob looks when he cries, being a sponge, but it's still a "sad" moment. So it makes Squidward's actions all the more satisfying. It becomes even more satisfying if you're like me and have worked in service before haha. I could easily get into SpongeBob's appeal for older audiences simply through having adult characters, but I'll save that rant/analysis for another time, this review is already long enough.

One thing I noticed in this episode is that the backgrounds are exceptionally beautiful. Not only do we have the opening shot of the Krusty Krab (as featured in my signature), but also all of the shots at night and of the desert are amazingly painted and so, so atmospheric. Just scroll down to the production images on the wiki page, you'll see what I mean. Also, let's give it up to the iconic track Stack of Leis, which made its first appearance in this episode! My favorite sad track is Kamakani B, but let's not pretend that Stack of Leis isn't the most iconic of them all (other than maybe Hawaiian Cocktail).

Now, for the elephant in the room. Do I think this episode is one of the all-time greats? Is it in the top 5 or even 10 of SpongeBob SquarePants, as many tend to rank it?

My answer is no.

Hold on, put the pitchforks down and hear me out. It's definitely an excellent episode, and it is one of the best of the season. Heck, I'd call it one of the best of the show. However, I would also argue that it is the second most overrated episode of the show.

I'd like to clarify that when it comes to rating the best episodes of the show, things get extremely varied very quickly, because so many of the best episodes of SpongeBob are, in my opinion, of the same quality. Quality judgements are already subjective, but throw in multiple excellent episodes where the only differences for people are how much they like one joke over another? Whole rankings can be flipped, swapped, inverted, the works. So yeah, "Pizza Delivery" does not top my list. It's near the tail-end of my top 5 season 1 episodes, when it makes the ranking at all. If I did numerical rankings past my favorite three episodes, it probably wouldn't even make the top 10. Maybe even 20. But that's not to say I don't understand why so many people rate it so highly. It's an excellent quality episode. Just sometimes the shine on it can leave out some other greats that deserve the same recognition. That's my definition of overrated, in any case.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.4/10


Happiest Sponge Alive
Aug 28, 2022
"Pizza Delivery" is funny. Let's not beat around the bush. Joke after joke come and go and they're all hilarious. One thing that helps this episode is that it has such a simple plot. Two qualifications there: 1) this episode is not boring by any means (it continues to be engaging throughout, it never drags for me), and 2) this is not to say complex plots aren't funny. I only mean that having a simple plot allows for more jokes since they aren't told at the expense of the story. This also means that there's a lot more rooms for the jokes to breathe. I think my favorite joke of the episode is either "backing up" or when Squidward says he doesn't care about the customer and the weather just stops so SpongeBob can say the squid's name, affronted. The ever-iconic hitchhiking scene and "not a boulder, it's a rock" are good contenders too. I definitely quote the latter way more than I should.

And let's talk about how heartwarming the end of this episode is, when Squidward (who up until this point has not shown any warmth towards SpongeBob) stands up for SpongeBob against the jerkwad customer! This moment is so touching and heartwarming because of what I said before about Squidward's lack of warmth towards SpongeBob, and also because we're always rooting for the little yellow guy. Up until this point, we've never seen SpongeBob cry. And yes, there is humor here with how ridiculous SpongeBob looks when he cries, being a sponge, but it's still a "sad" moment. So it makes Squidward's actions all the more satisfying. It becomes even more satisfying if you're like me and have worked in service before haha. I could easily get into SpongeBob's appeal for older audiences simply through having adult characters, but I'll save that rant/analysis for another time, this review is already long enough.

One thing I noticed in this episode is that the backgrounds are exceptionally beautiful. Not only do we have the opening shot of the Krusty Krab (as featured in my signature), but also all of the shots at night and of the desert are amazingly painted and so, so atmospheric. Just scroll down to the production images on the wiki page, you'll see what I mean. Also, let's give it up to the iconic track Stack of Leis, which made its first appearance in this episode! My favorite sad track is Kamakani B, but let's not pretend that Stack of Leis isn't the most iconic of them all (other than maybe Hawaiian Cocktail).

Now, for the elephant in the room. Do I think this episode is one of the all-time greats? Is it in the top 5 or even 10 of SpongeBob SquarePants, as many tend to rank it?

My answer is no.

Hold on, put the pitchforks down and hear me out. It's definitely an excellent episode, and it is one of the best of the season. Heck, I'd call it one of the best of the show. However, I would also argue that it is the second most overrated episode of the show.

I'd like to clarify that when it comes to rating the best episodes of the show, things get extremely varied very quickly, because so many of the best episodes of SpongeBob are, in my opinion, of the same quality. Quality judgements are already subjective, but throw in multiple excellent episodes where the only differences for people are how much they like one joke over another? Whole rankings can be flipped, swapped, inverted, the works. So yeah, "Pizza Delivery" does not top my list. It's near the tail-end of my top 5 season 1 episodes, when it makes the ranking at all. If I did numerical rankings past my favorite three episodes, it probably wouldn't even make the top 10. Maybe even 20. But that's not to say I don't understand why so many people rate it so highly. It's an excellent quality episode. Just sometimes the shine on it can leave out some other greats that deserve the same recognition. That's my definition of overrated, in any case.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.4/10
i agree with everything you said here

And let's talk about how heartwarming the end of this episode is, when Squidward (who up until this point has not shown any warmth towards SpongeBob) stands up for SpongeBob against the jerkwad customer! This moment is so touching and heartwarming because of what I said before about Squidward's lack of warmth towards SpongeBob, and also because we're always rooting for the little yellow guy. Up until this point, we've never seen SpongeBob cry. And yes, there is humor here with how ridiculous SpongeBob looks when he cries, being a sponge, but it's still a "sad" moment. So it makes Squidward's actions all the
i miss when SpongeBob had more emotions than just ''happy sponge''

bug juice

Kuddly Krab employee
Jun 8, 2023
The Kuddly Krab
this in my opinion this was such a nice episide for squidward and spongebob it was so nice for them to hang out and do a task together like this. Season 1 though 4 was very nuturing twards there friendship and i honestly think that's why the old episodes are absolute gold.


Jun 4, 2023
Hell, New jersey USA
this in my opinion this was such a nice episide for squidward and spongebob it was so nice for them to hang out and do a task together like this. Season 1 though 4 was very nuturing twards there friendship and i honestly think that's why the old episodes are absolute gold.
episodes like this where they just hang out are great!


South Park Elementary Student of the Month
Feb 19, 2024
Used to be my #1 favorite episode, now its still in my top 5's but it's been replaced by SB-129.

Pizza Delivery is a great episode. Sure, everyone says "it's overrated", but if people like it, there has to be a reason, right?

I really like how Squidward stood up for SpongeBob. It was nice seeing that in an episode, considering Squidward has said he "hates" SpongeBob. Would he really stand up for SpongeBob if he TRULY hated him? Probably not. So Squidward shows he does truly care (and he says it in SB-129, my favorite) about SpongeBob.

Also a super quotable episode. I quote this episode frequently.

I also have a shirt that has Mr. Krabs with a pizza, and it says "Krusty Krab Pizza" and below it says "for you and me" (poor description, but I love that shirt.)

10/10 episode!!
Feb 19, 2024
Used to be my #1 favorite episode, now its still in my top 5's but it's been replaced by SB-129.

Pizza Delivery is a great episode. Sure, everyone says "it's overrated", but if people like it, there has to be a reason, right?

I really like how Squidward stood up for SpongeBob. It was nice seeing that in an episode, considering Squidward has said he "hates" SpongeBob. Would he really stand up for SpongeBob if he TRULY hated him? Probably not. So Squidward shows he does truly care (and he says it in SB-129, my favorite) about SpongeBob.

Also a super quotable episode. I quote this episode frequently.

I also have a shirt that has Mr. Krabs with a pizza, and it says "Krusty Krab Pizza" and below it says "for you and me" (poor description, but I love that shirt.)

10/10 episode!!
yeah and that scene makes what ever happened to spongebob much worse but its because he hates people people hate him he prefers his own best company single and secluded on his own because he hates people he hates people he is still that way he hates SpongeBob he hates Krabs he wishes they would leave the ocean on taxi cabs and all the customers can kiss his abs cause he is the one and only


South Park Elementary Student of the Month
Feb 19, 2024
yeah and that scene makes what ever happened to spongebob much worse but its because he hates people people hate him he prefers his own best company single and secluded on his own because he hates people he hates people he is still that way he hates SpongeBob he hates Krabs he wishes they would leave the ocean on taxi cabs and all the customers can kiss his abs cause he is the one and only
I actually do like this song though, i replace the words with people I hate sometimes