SpongeBob has been renewed for Season 15

It’s weird season 14 hasn’t even started yet and it’s almost 2024. Most shows on since 1999 would be on like season 25 by now. Like the first 3 seasons didn’t take that long. Nickelodeon even stretched out the pre movie episodes pretty thin at the end to bide time for the movie. Kinda hate the long wait. And they don’t even advertise new episodes either. :/ wtf Nickelodeon
I don't know if I should be happy or disappointed. On one hand I'm glad there will be more episodes to come, but on the other hand, even if there are quite a few episodes I like even from Season 13, the show, since like Season 11, has been getting kind of dumber progressively, and the currently revealed Season 14 plots (294-300) mostly sound weird and weak with a few exceptions, that's why I thought maybe it would be better if the show ended.

But let's be hopeful, I mean, Derek Drymon returns for the 4th movie afaik, so he might return to the show in late s14 or in s15.
It's strange how we've waited so long for season 14 and now they've announced 15, and 14 still doesn't have a digital cover lol
It’s weird season 14 hasn’t even started yet and it’s almost 2024. Most shows on since 1999 would be on like season 25 by now. Like the first 3 seasons didn’t take that long. Nickelodeon even stretched out the pre movie episodes pretty thin at the end to bide time for the movie. Kinda hate the long wait. And they don’t even advertise new episodes either. :/ wtf Nickelodeon
It's also due the hiatus like season 9 and the time the episodes have taken to be produced, season 13 had episodes still in production a couple of weeks before its official airing!
Oh, god. What era will the community classify THIS season in? I can already hear the roars. "S14-S15 - The Corporation Era!"

We probably won't get to it until another 5 years though with the pace Nickelodeon goes at.
Oh, god. What era will the community classify THIS season in? I can already hear the roars. "S14-S15 - The Corporation Era!"

We probably won't get to it until another 5 years though with the pace Nickelodeon goes at.
I think that from season 13 we could consider it as Post-Hillenburg Era or something like that, I think it's better to call it that way than Post-3rd Movie.
I think it sounds like SpongeBob SquarePants is going to go on longer forever to infinity and beyond
I'm really happy that so many generations of people get to enjoy our porous sponge friend, but I feel like this might be getting a bit far, I haven't watched much of the new seasons 10-13. For me i just hope they still have the magic of the old episodes while catering to the younger audience at the same time not dumbing it down. However, I'm still going to watch it right as it comes out so make sure I'm still updated on the show and
seeing the new adventures in Bikini Bottom

Screenshot 2023-09-26 223121.png
It’s gonna be a SpongeBob SquarePants phenomenon
You’d think Nickelodeon and the crew would run a tighter shift.

I remember when the average episode was completed about 5 months before it aired. I guess episodes are produced more quickly nowadays since technology has progressed so far that they’re finally able to transfer rough storyboards and audio recordings to Korea digitally as opposed to shipping them on an airplane.
I remember when the average episode was completed about 5 months before it aired. I guess episodes are produced more quickly nowadays since technology has progressed so far that they’re finally able to transfer rough storyboards and audio recordings to Korea digitally as opposed to shipping them on an airplane.
And yet the series is still slowly released sadly