48a. No Weenies Allowed

This episode is really funny. SpongeBob's wigs are funny, and Patrick beating himself up makes me laugh everytime. 10/10
Good episode. Pretty underrated. The Salty Spittoon scenes are classic, and I love how weak SpongeBob is. :xP: A lotta funny quotes, like the Nails without Milk quote, the Ketchup bottle scene, and the interactions with the Nerds in Weenie Hut Jrs. Again, who could dislike this one? 9.6/10
This is a neat episode, maybe in my top 100

I wish there was more Sandy though :(
It's a little overrated but it still is alright great plot and lots of humor.
This is an amazing episode. With a great plot, and hilarious jokes, this is top 50 worthy for sure.
8/10 I liked the name of the resturants
This episode is really funny and It's one of my favorite season 3 episodes. I really laughed so hard when I watched this episode. All characters were great but I think the best character was SpongeBob. This episode has one of my favorite quotes:
SpongeBob: "I'll have you know I stubbed my toe last week while watering my spice garden and I only cried for twenty minutes.".
The karate scenes in this episode really made me laugh, especially this part:
Sandy: "Back in Texas, we call ice cream 'frozen cow juice.' Excuse me for a sec. Hi-yah! [slaps SpongeBob's face]"
The tattoo parts really made me laugh too. All of Patrick's parts in this episode was really funny. The ending also made me laugh.
Another excellent season 3 episode. 10/10
A hilarious episode, but I felt bad for Patrick how he fought himself, just because SpongeBob wanted to go at The Salty Spitoon. But still it's a funny episode. My favorite part was when SpongeBob and Patrick were at the Weenies Jr. 10/10
BrickSponge2015 said:
I guess it's kinda funny, I don't know. I need to watch it again.
I wrote a song:
SpongeBob and Sandy
do-ing KAH-RAH-TAY
here's THE SALTY SPIT-ta-ta-ta-ta TOON
(cue insane synths in the background and high pitched voice)
now we got an ep-a-sode
it's one of da greatest
season 3 has ever known
doesn't beat the paper, (OH!)
never takes down opposite day, (OH!)
can't touch just one bi-ite, (OH!)
pretty far back on my LiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssT (OH!)
but all just the same, (OH!)
But no more than 30 others EPS.
So, it earns 9 stars,
but no, no, more,
I liked and I loved and I thought that it was awesome
and why is my 600th post so duuuuuuuuuuuuauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuauuuuuuuuumb?
10/10. huh,funny. this aired around my birthday! welp,thats a great birthday present then :P