24b. Imitation Krabs

It's pretty good. It isn't the most memorable or has the best jokes, but it still is pretty funny and interesting. And, of course, Plankton makes any episode better by default so that's a plus. This episode is simply just easy to watch, and is overall an enjoyable experience.

Good episode (8/10)

1. Dying For Pie (9)
2. Something Smells (9)
3. Big Pink Loser (9)
4. Squid's Day Off (8)
5. Imitation Krabs (8)
6. Bossy Boots (6)
7. Your Shoe's Untied (6)
8. Bubble Buddy (5)
(old review, new review below)

Plot: (10/10) ABSOLUTE classic. Finish to start, this episode's plot is FLAWLESS. Plankton imitating Mr. Krabs to get the secret has a lot of humorous and creative potential, which the potential is recognized and used up. The long moment where Plankton/Imitation Krabs has to do the secret handshake is phenomenal. The beginning part where Plankton is posing as a millionaire giving SpongeBob 1 million dollars to get the secret formula is really awesome.

Humor: (5/5): This is a really funny episode. There's a lot of gags here that are really good. The gag where SpongeBob feeds the "imitation krabs" (the real Mr. Krabs) to Hans is really funny. The quiz for the real Mr. Krabs was super funny as well. The jokes are really funny in my honest opinion.
Visuals: (8.5/10): This episode is a little uglier than most pre-movie episodes. While it's not completely off the hooks, there's just something off.

Episode score: 210 Points
Last edited:

Fourth favorite of season 2. The dynamic of Plankton disguising as Mr. Krabs is a really good plot. There are some gags I liked, such as the "Meatball, Meatball" joke and Mr. Krabs being sent out the door as a meal, then Hans trying to eat him. The Krabs quiz is a funny scene.

Big Pink Loser: (10/10)
Something Smells: (10/10)
Imitation Krabs: (10/10)
Squids Day Off: (9.5/10)
Dying for Pie: (9/10)
Your Shoes Untied: (9/10)
Bossy Boots: (8.5/10)
Bubble Buddy: (4/10)
This is the better episode of the trio. It spends shorter setting up the plot, and let's not forget this!
Krabs: Plankton!
Plankton: Krabs!
Krabs: Plankton!
Plankton: Krabs!
SpongeBob: SpongeBob!
The gags of this episode are nice but my rating is weak btw "RAVOILI RAVIOLI GIVE ME THE FORMUOLI!"

Rating: Superb

Dying For Pie (Golden)
Big Pink Loser (Perfect)
Imitation Krabs (Superb)
Squid's Day Off (Tolerant)
Something Smells (Polite)
Bubble Buddy (Polite
Bossy Boots (Polite)
Your Shoe's Untied (Dull)
I like the fact that as the episode progresses, Plankton comes up with more and more schemes to fool Spongebob into giving him the formula. I don't think it's quite as comedy-packed as Fear of A Krabby Patty, but it still held my interest with many good jokes to offer. I also really enjoyed how the actual Mr. Krabs was carried off from the restaurant, because it shows how clever Plankton can really be.
"Imitation Krabs" is also one of the better-known episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants, and part of me wonders if that is because its sister episode is "Dying For Pie". Not that this is a bad episode by any means, but it doesn't really have that oomph factor to me. But let's talk about it.

I'm going to come right out and say it: the first few minutes of this episode are easily the best and funniest parts of the episode. Like the entire opening bit gets me laughing every time. Like when Plankton gets more and more enthusiastic only for SpongeBob to skillfully recite the Krusty Krab employee handbook (while sounding like a sweepstakes disclaimer), that is legitimately so funny for me. And then even better, we have one of my favorite moments in the entire show, the whole Plankton, Krabs, and SpongeBob exchange. I'm not sure what is about that exchange that gets me rolling every time, but it does. I think SpongeBob's earnest little smile and voice acting really sell the scene, undercutting the tension with great humor.

Anyway, once Mr. Krabs throws Plankton out of the restaurant, that's when the episode gets...I won't say worse, but less excellent for me. And I think my main problem with this episode is that everything is repetitive and takes too long. The banter between Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob, and Squidward is fun, if a slight comedown from the previous amazing banter. And once Squidward enters the storage room, things get a bit dull. I do like that Squidward's able to see through Plankton immediately though, I think that's very in character. It also makes me realize that especially early on, Squidward wasn't very involved in episodes that Plankton was involved in. I also like the whole "day off" bit, but those two things are the only real highlight of this part of the episode.

Moving on, once Plankton gets Mr. Krabs out of the way, we get an enjoyable montage of SpongeBob making Plankton jump through all these hoops for him and SpongeBob to be able to discuss the formula. And yeah, the montage is enjoyable, but watching it I feel passive enjoyment, rather than active enjoyment, which is only a step up from feeling bored. I just don't find much of the rest of the episode to be very funny.

Also, I don't like SpongeBob's characterization in this episode. He's gullible, and not very smart, but clearly he loves his job and is devoted to it. And we see that clearly in this episode, with the beginning joke I raved about, and in the interrogation scene between Mr. Krabs and Plankton. So, why, then, is SpongeBob completely unable to tell his boss apart from an impostor???? This episode truly only works in lieu of an episode like "Krab-Borg" (which is a superior "robot Krabs" episode, btw). But anyway, that issue is just so glaring for me that it takes me out of the episode every time. And I know that SpongeBob's stupidity is fluid, but this is really, really pushing it, especially since Squidward sees through Plankton's scheme right away. This unbelievable stupidity shown by SpongeBob also makes the interrogation scene, and its result, extremely frustrating. This episode would've been far more gratifying if SpongeBob figured out Plankton's scheme on his own too, not just accidentally causing Plankton's disguise to explode (even if I do love a random explosion).

Truthfully, that's all I really have to say about this episode. I adore the beginning, I find it to be decently entertaining throughout, but I have a huge issue with the characterization driving the plot. Taking all of this together, this episode sits solidly in my "Good" tier. I think it's better than "Okay", because it never quite reaches the level of boring even at its dullest points, and those first few minutes are, again, excellent. And although I do have a huge issue with SpongeBob's characterization, I can ignore it sometimes. Sometimes, being the key word there.

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score:
"Imitation Krabs" is also one of the better-known episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants, and part of me wonders if that is because its sister episode is "Dying For Pie". Not that this is a bad episode by any means, but it doesn't really have that oomph factor to me. But let's talk about it.

I'm going to come right out and say it: the first few minutes of this episode are easily the best and funniest parts of the episode. Like the entire opening bit gets me laughing every time. Like when Plankton gets more and more enthusiastic only for SpongeBob to skillfully recite the Krusty Krab employee handbook (while sounding like a sweepstakes disclaimer), that is legitimately so funny for me. And then even better, we have one of my favorite moments in the entire show, the whole Plankton, Krabs, and SpongeBob exchange. I'm not sure what is about that exchange that gets me rolling every time, but it does. I think SpongeBob's earnest little smile and voice acting really sell the scene, undercutting the tension with great humor.

Anyway, once Mr. Krabs throws Plankton out of the restaurant, that's when the episode gets...I won't say worse, but less excellent for me. And I think my main problem with this episode is that everything is repetitive and takes too long. The banter between Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob, and Squidward is fun, if a slight comedown from the previous amazing banter. And once Squidward enters the storage room, things get a bit dull. I do like that Squidward's able to see through Plankton immediately though, I think that's very in character. It also makes me realize that especially early on, Squidward wasn't very involved in episodes that Plankton was involved in. I also like the whole "day off" bit, but those two things are the only real highlight of this part of the episode.

Moving on, once Plankton gets Mr. Krabs out of the way, we get an enjoyable montage of SpongeBob making Plankton jump through all these hoops for him and SpongeBob to be able to discuss the formula. And yeah, the montage is enjoyable, but watching it I feel passive enjoyment, rather than active enjoyment, which is only a step up from feeling bored. I just don't find much of the rest of the episode to be very funny.

Also, I don't like SpongeBob's characterization in this episode. He's gullible, and not very smart, but clearly he loves his job and is devoted to it. And we see that clearly in this episode, with the beginning joke I raved about, and in the interrogation scene between Mr. Krabs and Plankton. So, why, then, is SpongeBob completely unable to tell his boss apart from an impostor???? This episode truly only works in lieu of an episode like "Krab-Borg" (which is a superior "robot Krabs" episode, btw). But anyway, that issue is just so glaring for me that it takes me out of the episode every time. And I know that SpongeBob's stupidity is fluid, but this is really, really pushing it, especially since Squidward sees through Plankton's scheme right away. This unbelievable stupidity shown by SpongeBob also makes the interrogation scene, and its result, extremely frustrating. This episode would've been far more gratifying if SpongeBob figured out Plankton's scheme on his own too, not just accidentally causing Plankton's disguise to explode (even if I do love a random explosion).

Truthfully, that's all I really have to say about this episode. I adore the beginning, I find it to be decently entertaining throughout, but I have a huge issue with the characterization driving the plot. Taking all of this together, this episode sits solidly in my "Good" tier. I think it's better than "Okay", because it never quite reaches the level of boring even at its dullest points, and those first few minutes are, again, excellent. And although I do have a huge issue with SpongeBob's characterization, I can ignore it sometimes. Sometimes, being the key word there.

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score: 7.2/10
i found the episode pretty boring

i'd give it a 5.7/10
Since I watched this one along with "Dying for Pie", which I reviewed earlier, thought I'd review this one too. Okay, so if you're really waiting for Boating Buddies, Dumped and Fungus Among Us, I'm sorry. These ones were just on, thought I'd review them because I wouldn't want to pass up the opportunity to get another review in.

But anyways, if you saw my review of "Dying for Pie" which I did earlier, you'd know that I loved that one, I gave it a 11/10 because it was funny yet heartwarming at the same time, had a sad concept but made it enjoyable. This one has a completely different feel to it. This one is a Plankton episode, and a great Plankton episode for that matter. You may know, Plankton is my favorite. So seeing good Plankton-focuses are really nice, especially when his plan is actually really close to succeeding.

But anyway, I'll be reviewing this one, which I also enjoy. As I mentioned in the "Dying for Pie" review, I enjoy doing actually good episodes from time to time, mix it up from all the bad episodes in my reccomendations, like the atrocity called "Squid Baby". Just so you guys know, I'm glad I got Squid Baby out of the way so I never have to review it ever again. But episodes like this; I actually was looking forward to watching! It's been about a year since I last really paid attention to a Season 2 again. Season 2 was one of the first seasons I ever watched, starting from when I was like 5, so I enjoy watching Season 2 to relive that a bit.

But I'm getting off topic from Imitation Krabs. My mind tends to wander. Let's begin.

I don't have much to say about the beginning part, that wasn't the part that really got me. Again, Plankton fails a scheme that wasn't really close to working. Not negative, not positive.

When it really got better was when the Mr. Krabs robot came out. I like how Squidward, even though he knew it was a fake Mr Krabs., how he just walked on out when the robot said he could leave. I also liked how the robot could turn into a toaster.

But anyway, onto the next part. SpongeBob and Robot Mr. Krabs. I liked how SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs are implied to do all this random stuff before even speaking of the formula. Which is funny, imagine them doing that out of an episode. I like when things are said to happen out of episodes, stuff that's not the particular interest point. But also, I liked "ravioli, ravioli, give me the formuoli". The best part: Mr. Krabs meets the Robot Krabs. I liked seeing SpongeBob go crazy and threaten to blast one of the Krabs with tartar sauce, and that's one thing I miss from the earlier seasons: aggressive SpongeBob. And then he blasts the real Mr Krabs.

Coin-operated self-destruct, made me wonder, why did he put that on there? Don't think anyone knows.

But really, this was a great episode, so great I had to break it down to the last parts I found funny.

It's not Dying for Pie good, but it's still really good.

9/10 episode for sure!!
So, why, then, is SpongeBob completely unable to tell his boss apart from an impostor????
and yeah, I wondered this too. Woulda thought he'd be able to tell.
Plankton makes any episode better by default so that's a plus.
"Imitation Krabs" is also one of the better-known episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants, and part of me wonders if that is because its sister episode is "Dying For Pie". Not that this is a bad episode by any means, but it doesn't really have that oomph factor to me. But let's talk about it.

I'm going to come right out and say it: the first few minutes of this episode are easily the best and funniest parts of the episode. Like the entire opening bit gets me laughing every time. Like when Plankton gets more and more enthusiastic only for SpongeBob to skillfully recite the Krusty Krab employee handbook (while sounding like a sweepstakes disclaimer), that is legitimately so funny for me. And then even better, we have one of my favorite moments in the entire show, the whole Plankton, Krabs, and SpongeBob exchange. I'm not sure what is about that exchange that gets me rolling every time, but it does. I think SpongeBob's earnest little smile and voice acting really sell the scene, undercutting the tension with great humor.

Anyway, once Mr. Krabs throws Plankton out of the restaurant, that's when the episode gets...I won't say worse, but less excellent for me. And I think my main problem with this episode is that everything is repetitive and takes too long. The banter between Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob, and Squidward is fun, if a slight comedown from the previous amazing banter. And once Squidward enters the storage room, things get a bit dull. I do like that Squidward's able to see through Plankton immediately though, I think that's very in character. It also makes me realize that especially early on, Squidward wasn't very involved in episodes that Plankton was involved in. I also like the whole "day off" bit, but those two things are the only real highlight of this part of the episode.

Moving on, once Plankton gets Mr. Krabs out of the way, we get an enjoyable montage of SpongeBob making Plankton jump through all these hoops for him and SpongeBob to be able to discuss the formula. And yeah, the montage is enjoyable, but watching it I feel passive enjoyment, rather than active enjoyment, which is only a step up from feeling bored. I just don't find much of the rest of the episode to be very funny.

Also, I don't like SpongeBob's characterization in this episode. He's gullible, and not very smart, but clearly he loves his job and is devoted to it. And we see that clearly in this episode, with the beginning joke I raved about, and in the interrogation scene between Mr. Krabs and Plankton. So, why, then, is SpongeBob completely unable to tell his boss apart from an impostor???? This episode truly only works in lieu of an episode like "Krab-Borg" (which is a superior "robot Krabs" episode, btw). But anyway, that issue is just so glaring for me that it takes me out of the episode every time. And I know that SpongeBob's stupidity is fluid, but this is really, really pushing it, especially since Squidward sees through Plankton's scheme right away. This unbelievable stupidity shown by SpongeBob also makes the interrogation scene, and its result, extremely frustrating. This episode would've been far more gratifying if SpongeBob figured out Plankton's scheme on his own too, not just accidentally causing Plankton's disguise to explode (even if I do love a random explosion).

Truthfully, that's all I really have to say about this episode. I adore the beginning, I find it to be decently entertaining throughout, but I have a huge issue with the characterization driving the plot. Taking all of this together, this episode sits solidly in my "Good" tier. I think it's better than "Okay", because it never quite reaches the level of boring even at its dullest points, and those first few minutes are, again, excellent. And although I do have a huge issue with SpongeBob's characterization, I can ignore it sometimes. Sometimes, being the key word there.

Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score: 7.2/10
they thought this episode was so good that they ripped it off 5 times in season 7 and 9 and 13
they thought this was so good the ripped it off 5 times!
  1. Dying For Pie (50/10)
  2. Big Pink Loser (11/10)
  3. Squid's Day Off (9.5/10)
  4. Bubble Buddy (9/10)
  5. Imitation Krabs (9/10)
  6. Something Smells (8.5/10)
  7. Bossy Boots (8.5/10)
  8. Your Shoes Untied (8/10)
So far no bad episodes!