156. Frozen Face-Off

abney317 said:
I think the crazy monster was the best part
I lol'd every time I saw it

What's the deal with that monster's animation? I'd prefer 2d animation then this.
Season: 8

Episode: Frozen Face-Off

This episode was between bad and decent for me. Some parts i liked (for example, teamwork of the characters, the claymotion monster). Some parts i didn't like (for example the Gary abuse, Plankton stealing the formula AGAIN it's predictble.) There were few jokes. 5.5/10

I agree with everything you say. It's just meh for the most part.
I absolutely LOVE this episode. The stakes were actually high, it was entertaining action packed and funny, and the Plankton subplot was actually funny (ATOM BY ATOM). 10/10
Mr. Enter only hated this episode for GARY ABUSE.

........6/10 for me. Like any other special. It's bland while having its moments.
A great special!

Though, it shouldn't have aired in June.
I give it a 7.5/10. But was having FIVE writers really necessary?
One of the most underrated specials. It had a great plot with a surprising amount of action and creativity.

I'm not a huge fan of this special (It doesn't stand out to me and it's forgettable) but it does have its moments (Plankton's subplot is the highlight, and there is some decent action) and it is fairly close to being good.

Episode: Frozen Face-Off (S8-E156)

I LOVE THIS EPISODE!!! The mix of 2D and 3D (The Snow Mollusk only) feels like The Amazing World of Gumball. I mostly love Plankton destroying The Krusty Krab by braking two nuclear atoms. That made me laugh SO HARD!!!

Final Score = 10/10
I actually enjoyed this special a lot. What specials need to understand is the fact that they need a coherent story fill out the time. I think specials that focus more on plot than comedy tend to do better, and since Season 8 tended to do that with episodes that this came out pretty well. I love the adventure, I love the side story, and I love how it doesn't take itself too serious. Of course an episode has to be at least somewhat funny, and I think this episode does it well too, without feeling too off track. I enjoyed this one a lot, and it grows on me every time I see it.
FinnDinner said:
I actually enjoyed this special a lot.
Me too. I always enjoy watching this special. This is the best episode of Season 8 for me.
SpongeBronyPH said:
Me too. I always enjoy watching this special. This is the best episode of Season 8 for me.
Yeah, I don't know what your stance on It's a SpongeBob Christmas! is, but during Winter these are good episodes to chill and watch for me at least.
My favorite special, i loved the Plankton segments, the action scene with the Snow Mollusk and the plot was interesting.

One of my favorite specials in the show. It's funny, got awesome action, and the whole thing just feels like an adventure. The crazy thing is that it works, too.

Ranking so far:
1. The Hot Shot (A+)
2. Frozen Face-Off (A+)
3. Drive Thru (A)
4. A Friendly Game (B)
5. Sentimental Sponge (C)
6. Accidents Will Happen (C)
7. The Other Patty (D)
Sorry to be a lame hater here, but this episode is genuinely difficult for me to sit through. And yes, it has everything to do with the Gary abuse.

Other than that, the episode's fine. I don't find it spectacular or anything, but I'd put it on the same level as other specials such as The Sponge Who Could Fly or Spongebob Roundpants; just "meh". Although that cgi or claymation (forgive my lack of knowledge on different animation styles) is admittedly really hard to look at for me, and honestly kind of borders on being cringeworthy.

But all in all like I said, really what kills this episode for me is the Gary abuse. I genuinely had to look away from the screen and felt sick to my stomach every time we saw Gary's strained and suffering facial expressions, especially that scene when he just falls over in the snow. We have to remember that Gary is essentially a house cat, and I know it's a cartoon and whatnot, but like The Great Snail Race and Pet Sitter Pat, the suffering just felt too... real here, and it's extremely difficult to watch, which is why I can't sit through this episode. To me Gary abuse is easily the worst in the show, just because of his inability to talk, and how small and fragile he is compared to the other characters.

Also other than that and my aforementioned distaste for the monster's design, I personally find Plankton's part in the episode to be really boring. Yeah, like other people said, the fact that this is another "plankton steals the formula" plot really drags this episode down for me. Theres so many different routes they could've gone here, and I wish they wouldve been more creative and created a new villain besides the monster for the special.

Like I said though, without the Gary abuse, I'd just be neutral on this episode mostly. The other complaints I had were really just nitpicks. I did really enjoy Mr. Krabs backstory, though. As well as just the action and the adventure of running across this giant frozen landscape in general. It's not all bad, but unfortunately just that one major issue just makes it impossible for me to enjoy this episode. 2.5/10.
You know, to be honest, I think this episode plays out like a better version of Krabs à la Mode, which is an episode that I already really enjoyed. The conflict is at an all time high, with all the main and important characters from the show having to endure the frigid weather while trying to escape Plankton's race scheme. I was genuinely worried about if they were going to make it alive, and they did! I also really like the jokes, especially that reboot joke. This is definitely one of the best specials of the entire show.
Okay this one is personally underrated its good but not the best. Its pretty funny and pretty cool but its also boring which bumped down the rank...

Rating: Good Episode

The Hot Shot (Perfect)
A Friendly Game (Great)
Accidents Will Happen (Great)
Sentimental Sponge (Good)
Frozen Face Off (Good)
Drive Thru (Alright)
The Other Patty (Meh)
Moving right along into our first special of the season, we’ve got “Frozen Face-Off”. I’ve always liked this episode, and I’m not sure if that’s an unpopular opinion or not. I feel like this episode leans towards the realm of being forgotten to be honest, I never see anyone talk about it…like ever. And that’s too bad, because I think this is a neat little special. The frozen theming makes it unique, though I wonder if this episode is forgotten because snow is associated with Christmas, and this is not a Christmas special.

I really like how this episode wastes absolutely no time getting into the plot, as we open on the newscast that inspires our characters to enter the sled race. Firstly, I love everyone’s little outfits for the sled race, they’re so cute! And I love everyone’s different sleds, they’re all very revealing of who they are. Gary being the mush dog here is a win for me because Gary inclusion, not to mention he’s basically the most important character in the episode lol. Karen pretending to be a worm is also hilarious. And I love some good competition between Plankton and Krabs. And then we get the reveal that Plankton clearly left a decoy up at the race, as we see him sneaking off before the race begins. This is an excellent beginning to our episode, to sum it up.

And once the race gets started, it’s pretty entertaining. Poor Gary having to pull the increasing number of people makes me feel bad, but not seriously lol. He gets plenty of moments to shine in this episode, which makes me very, very happy. And the way each of the other main characters have to join SpongeBob’s sled is pretty good. I especially love how Squidward’s worm just stopped to have a spot of tea LMAO. Poor Squidward keeps getting frozen in this episode, which I think is a pretty funny gag. And I like how all the characters come together pretty quickly too. And it doesn’t take too long from there for them to get trapped by an avalanche. At least Gary is nice and toasty!

Then we get the completely random yet very much welcome addition of the stop-motion abominable snow mollusk. This is very unexpected, but you know what I like it. And Mr. Krabs having a past with it is great too. And I love how it ends up with Squidward frozen again too lol. So useless LMAO. And after an entertaining and daring rescue by SpongeBob, somehow Mr. Krabs thinks it’s a good idea to run after the prize himself…because he’s stupid and short-sighted.

We then get the reveal of Karen frozen in the snow, which then reveals Plankton’s plot. Plankton is pretty low-down for doing this to his wife. I also just really like how Karen actually has stuff to do in this episode, and she feels more like part of the gang here, which I’m a huge fan of. And we see Sandy being queenie in this episode, which is yet another win. I love all the action sequences of this episode, they’re so fun! And then SpongeBob saves Gary from basically dying, so that’s yet another win and I’m taking it as an additional apology for “A Pal For Gary”.

Moving the focus over to Plankton’s little sideplot for a second, this section is mostly a bunch of funny gags as Plankton tries to get the safe to open, and of course it ends with the funniest one of Plankton performing nuclear fission. And, surprisingly, he actually does win for a little bit in this episode, stealing the formula, and even overcoming the roadblock of not being able to open the bottle with the help of Patrick’s stupidity. But of course, Plankton can never truly win, so he loses spectacularly by being eaten by the abominable snow mollusk.

I really enjoyed “Frozen Face-Off”, this is definitely an underrated little special. And again, I say that because it's so rarely brought up, I'm not sure what the popular opinion is. There isn't really anything I dislike about this episode either, and it has that "wow" factor I so covet, so it's a worthy addition to my Amazing tier.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: