141b. The Main Drain

Mr. Sea Shell

Floating Shopping List
Feb 14, 2012

Review: A very funny episode! Somewhat scary :| , but very funny episode! :) I think this is the best "Legends of Bikini Bottom" episode.

Rating: 9/10
This episode is just... I have no words for how unbelievably bad this episode is. No sense. No story. No comedy. Just... bad. Really bad!


Worst Character: :patx:

Worst Moment: Everything in this episode!
Out of all Legends of Bikini Bottom episodes, this one was the worst one. First of all, Mr. Krabs and Plankton pulled the drain but how Bikini Bottom is survived? It makes no sense. The worst of all, this episode turned out to be a story. It's just lame. Also this episode was boring too. There were no funny moments in this episode, except Patrick turning on the radio and then Mr. Krabs hearing a spooky voice and Patrick saying "I hope this question is not for me. I hate questions", then SpongeBob saying "What do you think of, Patrick", then Patrick saying "Dah-uhhh! 42. No, triangle! Meatballs! Srewdrivers! Pijamas" amd then crying. Also I loved the twist that the kids who pulled the drain being actaully Mr. Krabs and Plankton. I do not recommend this episode. 3/10.
To quote MosBros: It has one of the most clichéd plot twists and was very very boring
I do agree that this episode is a bit pointless (and with a clicéd plot twist), but I just don't think it's bad as everyone say it is. It's fairly average, and there are way worst episodes.
Award said:
7/10 underrated. The story is interesting of what the Main Drain was. Although if it wasn't a story then how did Bikini Bottom exist if Mr. Krabs' and Plankton pulled it down in the Main Drain?
Well F me with a 10 inch pole, someone actually likes this one. Its stupid.
This the one episode, that I vaguely remember seeing on Tv when I was little.
I wasn't watching it, I caught a glimpse of it but turned away because I
wasn't into the show at that time.
I Actually Enjoyed This Episode I Think Second Best Legends Of Bikini Bottom Episode.

I think this pretty much sums up why I hate this episode...

This episode is dull, boring and makes no sense. The story is stupid, but at least it had some good parts like Patrick turning off the radio, but I don't like this episode. My 2nd least favorite Legends of Bikini Bottom episode. 3/10
Where do I start with this one? The episode was bland, made no sense, and barely had any plot or humor. How can the entire ocean be sucked up by a drain and return to normal all of a sudden? And, at the end, it's revealed that Mr. Krabs and Plankton were the ones who pulled the plug. That's explained, but that doesn't make any sense at all. And, at the VERY end, it's revealed that SpongeBob was just reading Patrick a bedtime story? That's it? Come on, writers. Don't tell me that this whole time none of that nonsense never happened. There were way too many untied ends here, and the whole episode (especially the ending) is just upright confusing. It makes the ending of "Dear Vikings" look good! 3/10
It was confusing due how did plankton and krabs still be alive when they were sucked down the drain and said never came back? Wow I think the creator of spongebob are having creativity blank (my words for saying losing ideas) the whole was destroy 2 times and then realized it was a book. Well who ever wrote the book had no sense.