"Army Men 2" Getting A Remake/Port?


Moby Dollar
Apr 16, 2014
Huntersville, NC
So according to the Brazil classification board, "Army Men 2", the sequel to the hit game "Army Men", is getting a remake/port to the following consoles: "XBOX ONE", "Playstation 4", and PC. It's safe to assume that this is true due to two games having been leaked through this: "Digimon World: Next Order" and "Dragon Ball: Fusions".

For those of your who haven't heard of this series, "Army Men" started out life as a RTS (real-time strategy) game for Windows PCs. You played as Sarge who takes on mission to stop the tanned forces. Yes, it's modeled after the little green/tan soldiers toys. Then its numbered successors copied the formula but also added its own unique elements (like an alien soldier race in "Army Men III").

The series then involved into third-person war games starting with "Army Men: Sarge's Heroes". It tells the same story as the previous games, however, in a 3D world. As you might have guessed from the title, you also play as the same Sarge as from the numbered series. For those of you who love aeronautic combat RTS games, you're in luck as the series has two of them: "Army Men: Air Attack" and its sequel, "Army Men: Air Attack". Instead of controlling Sarge, you control Captain William Blade as he not only fends of the tan's air forces, but also picks up his soldiers who are in dire trouble.

Now, this may sound like every war game out there, however there's one extremely unique feature to these series of games that I haven't seen in other war games: real house locations. You can battle take on the tan soldiers in a variety of house locations: bathroom, kitchen, living room, even the backyard.

If this sounds like your type of game, buy it/download it today.

Source: http://portal.mj.gov.br/ClassificacaoIndicativa/jsps/DadosJogoForm.do?select_action=&tbjogo_codigo=7250