224b. Scavenger Pants

Aug 24, 2013
This episode airs on November 9. Discuss when it airs.

I'm not so thrilled by the premise but hopefully it'll be good.


Giant Clam
Apr 5, 2017
Bikini Bottom
This actually was good, I honestly was a bit nervous by the premise, but there were funny jokes, and seeing Squidward's mom was cool, although she was in 'Sportz?' Also, Patrick's facial expression seems like a callback to the first movie :). This week has had some good episodes, aside from Cuddle E. Hugs, and even there, it wasn't bad at all, so yeah, another solid episode, so I'll give it an 8.5/10.

Depressed Luigi

Dead Inspector
Jul 18, 2015
I was actually in shock when thy used the shocked patrick face. Like, no joke, I literally didn't believe it happened for 30 seconds. I probably looked just like him at that moment.

Anyway, this is hard to rate. It was very funny at times, espicially at the end with the adoption and stuff. But at the same time, Spongebob and Patrick were annoying here and it felt a little squid abusey.

I guess i'll give it a good rating. Could have been better, but the second half was still really funny and the "Squid abuse" (I hate calling it that because it was nowhere near as bad as episodes like Smoothe Jazz, but what else am I gonna call it?) was nowhere near as bad as some other episodes, and Spongebob and Patrick at least weren't like how they were in episodes like Yours Mine and Mine or Waiting.


Bomb-Selling Pirate
Aug 20, 2017
The fast food restaurant that only sick people eat
Felt a bit better than most Squidward episodes. So it was kinda boring and that's the only other problem than Squidward's horrible clarinet playing. So one thing I want to say before giving the grade. They brought back the meme face from the SpongeBob SquarePants movie (1st.) It's the face from them losing the Krabby Patty car. So the rating was very close to good. 10/10 GOLDEN episode.

Edit: Fixed it ‘are you happy now?’

Depressed Luigi

Dead Inspector
Jul 18, 2015
Felt a bit better than most Squidward episodes. So it was kinda boring and that's the only other problem than Squidward's horrible clarinet playing. So one thing I want to say before giving the grade. They brought back the meme face from the SpongeBob SquarePants movie (1st.) It's the face from them losing the Krabby Patty car. So the rating was very close to golden. 10.5/10 GOOD episode.



Dec 12, 2010
I thought it was pretty fun episode to see SB & Patrick doing something scavenger hunt that Squidward tried to get away with it by winging it turns ourt to be realty except the last item which surprised to see Squidward's mother appares, and that's when SB came up very clever idea to add the twist. Minor details, but the surprised Patrick (and SB) was nice reference to the SB movie.

Overall, it was fun episode

Final Grade: B+

Depressed Luigi

Dead Inspector
Jul 18, 2015
LARRY22 said:
A 10.5/10 should be considered EXCEPTIONAL.
Not to mention that going over 10/10 should be used only for the very best episodes of the series, if even that. Not for more than half of the entire series.


LBW Zelda
Jun 24, 2012
You know. When I saw the beginning of this episode, I was extremely worried. Yeah, SpongeBob and Patrick were pretty annoying at the start which brought the episode down by a few points, but once the actual plot happens, the episode REALLY PICKED UP! I really loved the premise (even if it wasn't entirely original) and it made a lot of sense for the characters. It was another SpongeBob-Patrick-Squidward dynamic episode done right! I thought a majority of Squidward's tasks were funny, and I personally thought the so-called "Squidward abuse" each task culminated in was funny too. There were even great visuals and a ton of location variety, which is always a plus for me. I also liked that they used famous "Surprised SpongeBob & Patrick" meme from the first movie! It actually had me laughing! I know some might think it's pandering, but I'd rather they reuse memes invented by the show itself than take them from the internet (looking at you, Nickelodeon). And the ending? Oh Neptune, the ending! I thought it was great to see them look for Squidward's "long lost brother" and then they were adopted by Squidward's mom. XD It's so disturbing yet hilarious that they're now step brothers with Squidward. Overall, I give this one a 9/10! Best episode of the week so far, but let's see if it's sister, Squid Noir, changes that. ;)


Aug 14, 2014
Felt a bit better than most Squidward episodes. So it was kinda boring and that's the only other problem than Squidward's horrible clarinet playing. So one thing I want to say before giving the grade. They brought back the meme face from the SpongeBob SquarePants movie (1st.) It's the face from them losing the Krabby Patty car. So the rating was very close to golden. 10.5/10 GOOD episode.
10.5/10 is literally more than perfect so I don't know why you think it's just "good".


You know what else is yellow? You are!
Apr 27, 2016
West Virginia
I pretty much agree with Amphitrite here, though I may still like "There's a Sponge in My Soup" a little more. The environments were all a lot of fun, and I loved the dynamic between SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward. Admittedly, SpongeBob and Patrick were a little annoying towards the start, but by the end of the episode, I feel it was funny enough that it ultimately felt mostly redeemed.

Aside from the return of Surprised Patrick, I also noticed an instrumental of "I Hate People" from "SpongeBob's Place," so that's two references I guess.


Depressed Luigi

Dead Inspector
Jul 18, 2015
Golden means 11/10.
Okay but 10/10 is supposed to be perfect. So shouldn't Golden be 10/10? And really with how many goldens you give it could even be stretched out to the 9s as well at this point. And there's no reason for "good" to be about 10/10 too. You put like half of the episode above 10/10, at that point there's no point in having 10 be shown as the highest number because it's just not true at this point. Going above 10/10 should be reserved for stuff that is so amazing that it's even better than most 10/10 stuff, and saying 10/10 doesn't feel good enough. It shouldn't be used every time you find something to be good.

Depressed Luigi

Dead Inspector
Jul 18, 2015
All of you should adopt by rating scale

11/10 - Bad
10/10 - Mediocre
9/10 - Good
8/10 - Silver
7.8/10 - Too much water
6/10 - Terrible
5/10 - Bronze
4/10 - Golden
3/10 - Decent
2/10 - Amazing
1/10 - Okay
0/10 - Meh

Nah, do it like this:

11/10: Golden

10/10: Good

9/10: There was a few flaws so it isn't good but overall it was good. Or alternativly, WOW THIS WAS AMAZING THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN

8/10: Either Average or Amazing

7/10: Either Meh or Great

6/10: Anything lol

5/10: Terrible

0/10: Terrible (But it's better than 4/10, 3-10, 2/10, and 1/10)


3/10: Scumbob

2/10: Scumbob

1/10: Scumbob

Negative Infinity/10: *insert terrible messege to writers here*


Giant Clam
Apr 15, 2015
I'm gonna be honest, I REALLY didn't like this episode. The humor just annoyed me here. It just felt like the loud annoying brand of Spongebob and Patrick of season 6 and 7. Maybe it's just me but I think it could've been funny if it was executed differently, but as it is, I was just rolling my eyes the whole episode. I guess Patrick's crying armpits made me laugh a little just because of how random it was and I was happy to see Squidward's mom make an appearance, but overall this episode was pretty bad IMO. I can see why people enjoyed it though, it had some nice settings and backgrounds and a couple nice little moments.


Flying Dutchman's Sock
Dec 12, 2016
In the land of awesome cartoons.
I finally caught an episode live as it aired...My thoughts were quite simple: It was an average episode, with the typical "SB and Patrick annoy Squid" episodes, but this time at least, they weren't downright annoying. The humor definitely picked up later on in the episode, and upped it's points. Giving it an 8.2/10.


Moby Dollar
Apr 22, 2017
This episode has one quality that brings it to "good" category, unlike some episode that are similar in basic formula from seasons 6-8.
And this quality - is the atmosphere and humor. Of course, SpongeBob and Patrick were kinda annoying in the beggining, but they ARE GOT SOME PUNISHMENT FOR THEIR ACTIONS through the episode and Squidward in the end was more of a jerk than a victim.
Many jokes really worked, visuals are top-notch as usual, and ending was strangely heartwarming. :D


Best Boy
Nov 14, 2013
Growlie's Den
Well, Gee SpongeBob and Patrick, if you're bored why don't you go (like you used to.) and find you something to do that doesn't involve ruining Squidward's free time.

You left him alone he wouldn't have to try and get rid of you.

When Squidward begins talking about his "brother" I do feel like it was a missed opportunity for SpongeBob and Patrick to mistake Squilliam for Squidward's brother and brought him back. Adopting themselves as Squidward's brothers seemed shoe-horned in for comedy sake.


Frozen Cephalopod
Jun 6, 2017
ScavengerPants was a pretty interesting episode. The plot of it wasn't too original, but somehow the execution of it was surprisingly delightful. The premise of this episode is a pretty standard and basic plot. Probably one of the more basic ones out there. The concept of some character sending a buffoon (Or two) on a wild goose chase to get him/her out of their hair, only to have it backfire has been done tons of times in various cartoons. But I like about this version of that generic storyline is the direction this episode takes. The episode feels much grander than a typical variation of this conflict, focusing on a more adventurous, world-wild atmosphere. Luke (Who I was surprised to see when I saw the opening credits) did a good job giving the plot a little more substance by incorporating much larger and complex sequences in this episode (From the Loch Ness monster scene to the "Long-Lost-Brother" scene). One thing I really like is how this episode managed to stray away from being entirely predictable. A majority of this episode pretty predictable, yet that ending came across as a pretty clever surprise. Unfortunately, Nick did a terrible job by spoiling the ending, making it the thumbnail for the video on their website. Bravo. :facepalm:

When it comes to it, I think the execution of the plot was fairly decent. I was kind of annoyed by SpongeBob & Patrick though. They are represented like little kids in this episode, which I guess is slightly better than the constant brain dead morons they were in these trio episodes around Seasons 5-8. Still, I do find them to be quite annoying at times, especially when they were jumping on Squidward's couch. That was...well...eh...

The set-up to the conflict of this episode was really the worst part of this episode. Before things started picking up with the duo headed out to collect things, a majority of the set-up relied on SpongeBob & Patrick breaking things in Squidward's house. A trope that's been done plenty of times, and just feels annoying an unnecessary. Sure, Sponge & Pat don't mean it, as their actions are merely accidental, but by golly, it's annoying. >_>

The way the two annoyed Squidward at the start of the episode came across as kind of annoying, and really just a lame way to set up the conflict. It didn't feel at all that original, it just felt like a rehash of scenes from A Friendly Game. Anyway, I feel as though these scenes dragged on a little long, as I feel as if the episode should've spent more time focusing on SpongeBob & Patrick's adventures, because really, that was the highlight of the episode.

I wish they spent less time on Squidward, and more time on the actually searching, because those scenes take the characters in a completely new environment, something that's really fun to watch go down. Now once Squid does send SpongeBob and Patrick on their way, I feel as though the episode really starts to improve.

The scenery is gorgeous in the desert scene, I really liked the animation. The flower scene was kind of predictable, but was a decent callback to the first movie, and the Loch Ness Monster scene was fantastic, I absolutely adored the creativity of how SpongeBob & Patrick got to the location where they found the monster.

Squidward's scenes after the set-up are fairly decent, too. I really enjoyed seeing the various different ways he danced around, they were really entertaining.

As far as the whole "Long-Lost-Brother" scene goes, I kind of liked it. It was a neat little twist, and really smart on Squidward's behalf. I like how Luke didn't pull some stupid gimmick that Squidward really did have a long lost brother, but rather shows the cold reality once Squidward's mom appears on camera. Sheesh, she was brutal, but hey, Squidward's cynicism had to come somewhere, right?

The ending, as I mentioned before was a pretty clever resolution, one I wouldn't have seen coming if it weren't for Nick's idiotic decision to spoil it. <_<

Now let's talk about the comedy, this is a fairly funny episode. There are a lot of really pleasant visuals in this episode I really adore (I swear, I don't think I'm going to get over the creativity of that Loch Ness Monster scene), and that allows there to be a lot of funny visuals. SpongeBob super dried up in the desert was kind of funny, and I think the gags with Squidward's heads (Both shattering and exploding) were hilarious. I must say, the writers seem to really like using Live Action, as I noticed they tend to appear much more frequently in episodes. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it's good to see them experiment, but I am kind of afraid the charm and surprise of Live Action humor will fade away if they end up being overused. Also, I must say the sweater picture at the end of the episode was hilarious. By far the highlight.

Overall, this is a pretty decent episode. It has enough moments that makes it stand out, and while there are some moments that kind of annoy me, they don't seem to be overdone. The good kind of outweighs the bad in this episode, it's a Good Episode. I liked the small little twists added to this episode, they seemed to be the highlight for me, especially that ending. I give it a 7.1/10.