Steamed Hams but read the post.


Mar 20, 2021
Steamed Hams, but Skinner and Edna Krabappel are married, Leah from Shimmer and Shine is their daughter, the burgers are made out of genies, and Agnes Skinner moved out a long time ago.
Note: i hate Nedna.
(Skinner House, Springfield)
Leah Skinner: Well, dad, i'm home from school, despite your directions.
Seymour Skinner: Ah, Leah, my daughter. I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!
Leah: Yeah.
Seymour: Oh, egads! My roast is ruined! But what if I were to kill Leah's genies Shimmer and Shine and then serve them to her? Delightfully devilish, Seymour.
Seymour: Leah! I was just...uh---just stretching my calves on the windowsill. Isometric exercise! Care to join me?
Leah: Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, dad?
Seymour: Uh... ooh! That isn't smoke, it's steam! Steam from the steamed clams we're having. Mmmm, steamed clams!
Leah: Okay. Now where did i leave that genie bottle...
Seymour: Leah, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering hamburgers.
Leah: I thought we were having steamed clams.
Seymour: Oh no, I said 'steamed hams'. That's what I call hamburgers.
Leah: You call hamburgers 'steamed hams'?
Seymour: Yes! It's a regional dialect.
Leah: Uh-huh. Eh, what region?
Seymour: Uh...upstate New York.
Leah: Really? Well, I've never heard anyone use the phrase 'steamed hams'.
Seymour: It's an Albany expression. Plus, you are only ten years old.
Leah: You know, these hamburgers are quite similar to my genies Shimmer and Shine.
Seymour: Hohoho, no! Patented Skinner Burgers. Old family recipe!
Leah: For steamed hams?
Seymour: Yes.
Leah: Yes, and you call them steamed hams, despite the fact they are obviously made of my genies and not edible.
Seymour: Y- Uh.. you know, the... One thing I should...
(Phone goes off)
Seymour: Oh, that must be Princess Samira calling me to get Shimmer and Shine fixed up.
Leah: But dad, she can't fix-
Seymour: So, when do you want me to send Shimmer and Shine to you to get them fixed up, Princess Samira, ruler of Zahramay Falls? There was a little "accident" where Leah misplaced her genie bottle and the genies were cooked.
Chalmers: I am NOT Princess Samira! Anyway, you're fired, Seymour! I'm replacing you with Ned Flanders!
Seymour: Fine, i've lost my job, but at least Samira can fix up Shimmer and Shine, right? Atter all, she's the ruler of Zahramay Falls!
Leah: No dad, like i was trying to tell you earlier, she can't fix them up! Once a genie is destroyed, it cannot to be fixed and will never be able to grant wishes again!
Agnes Skinner: And you're grounded, Seymour! Don't break my granddaughter's heart ever again!
Leah: Grandma Agnes? What a surprise seeing you her!
Seymour: Mother? I thought you moved out of this house and started living at the Springfield Retirement Castle when me and Edna got married! Or did you move out of our house when Leah was born? I can't remember.
Agnes: Well, i do not care when i moved out of this house, i'm back, but only to ground you, and to have a burger! Go to your room now!
Edna Skinner (née Krabappel): And we're getting a divorce, Leah is coming with me to the other side of Springfield, and we're leaving you here alone with my mother-in-law!
Agnes: Oh no, Edna, i'm not staying here forever! Once i finish this inedible burger, i'm going right back to the Retirement Castle!
Leah: But why aren't you staying, grandma?
Agnes: Because i am 95 years old, and i am way too old to take care of Seymour now! I belong in the Retirement Castle!
Edna: Well, since Agnes isn't staying here, that means you really are all alone now, Seymour! Without a wife, a daughter, or a mother!
Leah: And without my genies, because you killed them!
Edna and Agnes (in unison): Goodbye, Seymour!