Same Plot Same Title Different Air Date


The Pokemon Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2021
SpongeBuddy Mania
Change the air date of the next episode!

Example: Help Wanted -------------> May 2nd 1999

  • Please go in episode order
  • Dont go outside of 1999 and 2022

Round 1:
Season 1: COMPLETE! :patnugget:
Season 2: COMPLETE! :sbparty:
Season 3: COMPLETE! :hotsquid:
Season 4: COMPLETE!:squidhappy:
Season 5: COMPLETE! :sbhappy:
Season 6: Currently On :bullshrimp:
Season 7: Not On :patuhh:
Season 8: Not On :loser:
Season 9A: Not on :angrysquid:
Season 9B: Not On :sbpopcorn:
Season 10: Not On :squidtroll:
Season 11: Not On :ssjunfair:
Season 12: Not On :funfair:
Season 13: Not On :dyah:

Round 2:

Round 3:

Round 1 air list (Squidward1999 came up with this idea):

Season 1: April 15th 1999 to February 14th 2002 (Starts With Reef Blower Ends with Valentines Day)

Season 2: October 31st 1999 to January 1st 2004 (Starts with Graveyard Shift Ends with Gary Takes a Bath)

Season 3: December 24th 1999, June 23rd 2001 to January 11th 2006 (Starts With Snowball Effect Ends with MMBBV)

Season 4: September 4th 1999 to May 1, 2008 (Starts with Once Bitten Ends with The Gift of Gum)

Season 5: April 16, 2006 to September 3rd 2009 (Starts with Breath of Fresh Squidward Ends with Atlantis SquarePantis)

Season 6: (So far): February 3rd 2005 to April 5th 2016 (Starts with Ditchin' Ends with The Slumber Party)
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