Matt's Fanmade SB Shorts: Part 5


Goodbye Krabby Patty's #1 Fan
Nov 4, 2020
Somewhere in Surface Land
The fifth set of shorts! The last ones haven't been getting a lot of views, but it is fine. In these shorts, SpongeBob, Squidward, and Patrick use a photo booth, the reveal of the first Krusty Krab commercial, and an obese bass makes their return to the Krusty Krab. As usual, I hope you enjoy! :sbhappy:

13. You Can't Handle the Booth
with SpongeBob, Patrick, Squidward

[SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward are at the mall]
SpongeBob: This is the best day of my life! We had so much fun together, buying things we don't need, like this squirrel hair shaver!
Squidward: This is the worst day of my life! Look, the only reason I am with you two is because you two destroyed my house from all your reckless playing!
SpongeBob: Reckless playing? It's not reckless! And we didn't destroy our house! Our hands are clean!
[SpongeBob and Patrick show their clean hands]
Patrick: Yeah, and it's not our fault that you overload your second floor with ugly sculptures!
Squidward: They're not ugly!
Patrick: Oh look! A photo booth!
[Patrick runs to a photo booth]
SpongeBob: Yay! The perfect way to remember memories of this perfect day!
Squidward: More like, the worst way to remember visions of this horrific day of my life!
[Squidward, SpongeBob, and Patrick crowd in the booth, with Squidward sitting in one end, Patrick in the middle, and SpongeBob in the other end]
Patrick: Hey! I don't like being in the middle!
SpongeBob: It's fine. You can swap spots with me!
[SpongeBob and Patrick swap positions]
SpongeBob: There you go.
Patrick: Thanks!
[Patrick suddenly realizes something]
Patrick: Hey! I don't like being on the side either!
Squidward: Then where do you want to sit? It's either the middle or the side, so JUST PICK ONE!
Patrick: Oh, I know!
[Patrick climbs up onto Squidward's neck]
Patrick: The best seat is the Squidward seat!
Squidward: I can't breathe…
Patrick: Don't worry. It's not our fault your neck is so thin!
[SpongeBob squints at the coin slot]
SpongeBob: Hmm, one quarter.
[SpongeBob grabs a quarter from his pocket and puts it in]
SpongeBob: Alright, smile everybody!
[SpongeBob and Patrick smile while Squidward frowns as the camera goes off]
[The camera flashes several times and a photo strip comes out]
SpongeBob: There we go! A photo strip!
[SpongeBob grabs it and sees the photos]
SpongeBob: Perfect! Squidward didn't smile, but it's fine! At least I'm there to remember this perfect day!
[SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward leave the booth]
Squidward: Ow, my neck!
SpongeBob: It's fine, Squidward, we can get you some medicine at the pharmacy.
[SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward head down the escalator, but Squidward trips himself and falls down the escalator]
Squidward (falling): ow! oOOOucChh! OOWoOoW! OoWwooWoW!
[Squidward hits the ground with a bonk, and a big red bump appears on his head]
SpongeBob: Squidward, are you okay?
[Squidward brushes himself off]
Squidward: I'm fine.
Patrick: But remember Squidward, it's not our fault you have four legs!
[SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward walk into the distance towards the exit]



14. A Brief Commercial Break
with Mr. Krabs, Squidward, and SpongeBob

Mr. Krabs:
We now interrupt your program for a commercial break! And I'm not sorry about it, either! Anyway, come eat at the Krusty Krab! Why, your barnacle brained head may ask? Come on, and I'll show you!
[The camera points to the restaurant]
Mr. Krabs: It's clean! It's neat! It's friendly! (Well, except for Squidward!) And it's safe, as long as you watch for an evil jelly bean!
[The camera points to a Krabby Patty]
Mr. Krabs: If you can't tell, we serve food here, sir! This is a Krabby Patty, the finest food ever created for eating. It's all cooked by SpongeBob here!
[The camera points to SpongeBob]
SpongeBob: Hi people of Bikini Bottom! I'm the chef of the Krusty Krab! And I just want to tell all of you, working in the Krusty Krab is a great honor! And I invite you to try our Krabby Patties! Come on! TRY THEM! TRY THEM! TRY THEM!
[SpongeBob bounces around the kitchen]
Mr. Krabs: That's enough, SpongeBob.
[SpongeBob continues bouncing]
Mr. Krabs: Ugh….
[Mr. Krabs walks over and kicks SpongeBob off the screen]
[The camera points to Squidward]
Mr. Krabs: Now here's Squidward! Do you have anything to say?
Squidward: Hello citizens of Bikini Bottom, I just want to tell you… DON'T EVER COME TO THIS PLACE! It's toxic, it's boring, it's annoying, it's idiotic, it's dumb, it's silly, it's- You know! Do you know how much talent I have wasted in this grease trap? And those writers, THOSE WRITERS! "oH, yOu cAnNoT qUiT! wE nEeD yOu tO sTaY fOr tHe sHoW!" Oh, I hate this job! Avoid this place at all costs! Find a way to get me out of this [bad word 11]!
Mr. Krabs: Be quiet, Squidward!
Squidward: And I have one more thing to tell you!
Mr. Krabs: WHAT? You're gonna rant about something? You've ruined the commercial!
Squidward: No, barnacle brain! You're out of ti-
[commercial ends]



15. All About That Bubble Bass
with SpongeBob, Squidward, Mr. Krabs, and that big fat bass, Bubble Bass!

[It's a normal day at the Krusty Krab]
Mr. Krabs: Today's the best day ever!
SpongeBob (from the kitchen): Every day is the best day ever!
Mr. Krabs: What I mean, boyo, is that today's the most successful day in the Krusty Krab history! We have customer after customer, dollar after dollar earned, and it seems like nothing could ruin this perfect day!
Squidward (whispering to Mr. Krabs): Y'know, something bad always will happen when you say "nothing could ruin this perfect day". It's cartoon logic.
Mr. Krabs: Oh really? Well, I don't expect Plankton to come in here holding a lazer gun ready to zap us all into ashes!
Squidward: Plankton may not be here, but look who's standing at the door!
[Squidward begins to giggle]
Mr. Krabs: What's your problem, Squidward. Anyways, nobody that bad could be waiting in li--
[Mr. Krabs looks at the door, and sees Bubble Bass standing there]
Mr. Krabs: :moar:
[Squidward laughs]
Squidward: Imagine being afraid of a big fat bass! What did he ever do to you?
Mr. Krabs: For one thing, he made SpongeBob lose his confidence, and recently, he wiped his butt against the window of the drive thru! And now, he's going to ruin our perfect day!
Squidward: Then kick him out, then!
Mr. Krabs: Too late. He's behind me.
[Bubble Bass stands at the register]
Squidward: What do you want? Tiny, a small salad?
[Bubble Bass sprays water into his mouth]
Bubble Bass: Ahem. I'll like a Krabby Patty.
Mr. Krabs: Phew!
Harold: For once, he didn't order something long!
Bubble Bass: I'm not finished.
Mr. Krabs: :krabseyes:
Bubble Bass: I'll start with the buns. Rather then buns, the order will be on a raft, with extra shingles and a shimmy. They must be taken from the back of the fridge, obviously. The jelly on the toast must be taken from the two-fisted jumper, and a baby one. The toast mustn't have any holes on them, and each toast piece must contain exactly 16 sesame seeds, the imported kind.
Squidward: Bubble Bass, it's al-
Bubble Bass: Do not interrupt me. Anyway, on top of the buns must be the Krabby Patty vegetables, except dipped in grease. I expect the lettuce and tomatoes to be ripe, if I see one black or brown spot in it I will immediately refuse it! The lettuce and tomatoes must also be taken from the bottom of the pile, where it's the freshest. Now, time for the patty. The patty must be seasoned with fine salt taken from the bottom of the Mariachi Trench, and the patty itself must be made with an extra helping of the secret formula. The cheese must cover both the top and the bottom of the patty, cooked until it is not sticky and not solid- perfectly in the middle. The patty must be well-done, and animal style. Finally, the burger must have light axle grease, extra onions, extra ketchup, extra everything. And lastly, I want exactly 17 pickles. If I see one less or one more, I swear, I'll squish Squidward into the floor with my rear end!
Squidward: Um, excus-
Bubble Bass: Now, that's it. Take my order. And make it quick!
Squidward: But Bubble Bass, it's-
Mr. Krabs (sarcastically, high pitched): Oh, I'm sorry Bubble Bass, but we cannot take your order.
Bubble Bass: And why? I didn't spend 22 years of my life thinking of this order just to not get it in the end!
[Mr. Krabs points to the clock, which shows 2:18]
Bubble Bass: Two in the morning?
Mr. Krabs: Yes, you scallywag, you blabbered about your order for six hours past closing time! Everyone left! I mean, all the money left! Sweet paying customers, driven away by your idiotic actions!
Bubble Bass: I'm- I'm sorry, Mr. Krabs! I never thought my order would take six hours to say! Is there anything I can do in return?
Mr. Krabs: Yes, there is.
Bubble Bass: What?
Mr. Krabs: You will become the permanent bathroom cleaner!


[It is another day at the Krusty Krab, and Bubble Bass is mopping the bathroom]
Bubble Bass (mopping): Of course, the cliche way to have someone punished in a low-quality cartoon is for them to work in the bathroom. And of course, I got punished just like that!



And, if you seen the last one, the Larry and Sandy story will be in the 6th part. Anyway, these took a while, but thanks for reading! :sbyes:

Part 1 (Shorts 1-3):
Part 2 (Shorts 4-6):
Part 3 (Shorts 7-9):
Part 4 (Shorts 10-12):