Lost Without a Sponge

Stinkoman 20X6

I want to get lost in your rock and roll
Sep 22, 2005
Stealing your grill
Lost Without a Sponge
Written by
Dircted by

From the Beginning

We cut to a beaten-up sepia-style film piece of the outside of the Goofy Goober's.

Narrator: Ever since 1989, the Goofy-Goober's has held a yearly event in Jellyfish Fields known as...

We now cut to a Sepia picture of Goofy Goober posing with some random kids and parents wearing early-90's style clothing. They are standing on a hill in Jellyfish Fields holding a sign saying, "Goofy Goober's 3rd Annual Seanut and Jelly Party!"

Narrator: The Goofy Goober's Annual Seanut and Jelly Party!

We skim through a photo album of pictures taken from the event throughout the years.

Narrator: Yes, every year, Goofy Goober and all patrons and their parents who sign up camp out in Jellyfish Fields for about a week, and start jellyfishing, holding birthday parties, taking pictures, learning about jellyfish, and more.

We now go through pictures with younger SpongeBob and Patrick in them.

Narrator: And you can bet our heroes have joined in the celebrations. For nine straight years, SpongeBob and Patrick have partied at their best here. And every year, they make a pact.

We cut to beat-up Sepia footage from last year's event. The Goofy Goober is making a warp-up speech. SpongeBob and Patrick are there too. SpongeBob's tie is a bow tie, and Patrick's a little shorter now. He has a small tooth.

Patrick: (voice 2 or 3% squeakier) Well.
SpongeBob: Well.
Patrick: 9 straight years! The best!
SpongeBob: Yup, and next year will be even better, right?
Patrick: Count on it, buddy!
SpongeBob and Patrick: (wiggling their thumbs together) Noogie noogie noogie! YEAH!!!
Goofy Goober: Excuse me, you two, please be quiddly-quiddly-quiet while I'm talking.

Narrator: And now begins the 29th Annual Party, and the duo's...or should I say...(photo of No-Name appears) trio's tenth year of attendance!

A bubble transition brings us to present-day as we see Patrick walking down his driveway one night hummying a little diddy he made up.

End of From the Beginning

Next Scene: Zombie Mom's Attacking!


Feb 28, 2006
This is a great story! Ooh, is Zombie Mom's attacking a spoof of that Zack and Cody episode?

Stinkoman 20X6

I want to get lost in your rock and roll
Sep 22, 2005
Stealing your grill
By the way, now that the timeline of the show is moving onto 2018 like 2007 right now, this will be the ninth season premiere.

Zombie Mom's Attacking!

January 3, 2018. The day after the day after New Year's Day. The day right before the day that it happened. What happened, you ask? Well, why don't you just read the story and find out?! Sheesh!

A bubble transition brings us to present-day as we see Patrick walking down his driveway one night hummying a little diddy he made up.

Patrick: It's 2018! Zzt-zzt! New year! Zzt-zzt! Make your resolutions! Zzt-zzt! Zop-a-dop-a-dop-a-doo-doo-dow! Zzt-zzt-zzt! Zzt!

He went inside to see SpongeBob.

Patrick: Oh, hey SpongeBob!
SpongeBob: Hey, Patrick. I just came here to return your toilet plunger.
Patrick: Okay. Say, are we going to that Goofy Goober's 29th Annual Seanut and Jelly Party?
SpongeBob: I wouldn't miss it for the world, Patrick!
Patrick: Oh, I know how you feel! This is going to be so...

Then suddenly, Stevie bust through screaming like a girl. He hid behind SpongeBob.

Stevie: Help me, guys! Zombie Mom's coming!
SpongeBob: Zombie Mom, what the-...

The rock opened up to show a strange silhouette at the door.

Stevie: Oh, no, there she is!

The moon came out to show it was only Squidward.

Squidward: SpongeBob!
Patrick: No-Name, it's only Squidward.
SpongeBob: Yeah.
Stevie: How do you know that?! He's just as tall, mean, bald, and ugly as Zombie Mom!!!
Squidward: Hey! (stepping down, holds out toothbrush) SpongeBob, how many times do I have to tell you?! STOP BORROWING MY TOOTHBRUSH!!!
SpongeBob: How'd you know I borrowed it?!
Squidward: First of all, I found it in your bathtub! And second of all... (closeup on toothbrush) ...it's covered in Patrick's earwax!
Patrick: Hey, I need that earwax cleaner! All of my cotton swabs keep breaking!
Squidward: Dare I ask why?

We cut to a flashback of Patrick attempting to clean his ear with the swabs. However, instead of his earlobe, he kept aiming it at the right side of his neck instead. Every time he did so, the swab would break, Patrick would yell "D'oh!", and he would pick up another one and try again. This continued for eight more times until the flashback ended.

Patrick: It took me seven cases until I finally realized that cotton swabs weren't the answer.

Everyone except Stevie and Patrick slapped their heads.

Squidward: (walking away) Just don't let it happen again!
Stevie: (phews) I was almost certain that Squidward was Zombie Mom!
SpongeBob: Zombie Mom?! Stevie, you didn't see Zombie Mom II: The Night Demons Attack! like we instructed you not to, did you?!
Stevie: No, of course not! Now hide me before Zombie Mom and her night demons attack!
SpongeBob: Stevie, you're grounded for two days.
Stevie: Wha...But the Goofy Goober's Annual Seanut and Jelly Party will start tomorrow! You know I've been looking forward to going with you guys for weeks!
SpongeBob: Well, maybe you shoulda thoughta that before you went to Zombie Mom II.
Stevie: Awwwww....

He walked out of Patrick's Rock, depressed. It started to rain outside.

Patrick: Did you have to be so hard on him?
SpongeBob: Patrick, it's called discipline. (fetches umbrella and begins to leave) See you tomorrow morning to go to the party?
Patrick: (still bummed about Stevie) Uh, okay.

They both went to bed that night. We could hear Stevie shivering in fear and depression from in the house.

End of Zombie Mom's Attacking!

Next Scene: Where's SpongeBob?

Stinkoman 20X6

I want to get lost in your rock and roll
Sep 22, 2005
Stealing your grill
How does SpongeBob lost?
What Part does SpongeBob will be found?
Where did SpongeBob go?
Will Patrick find SpongeBob?
Best idea would be to actually read the story and find out instead of asking me all these questions right off the bat.

Next scene might be up later today, if I have free-time to put it in.

Stinkoman 20X6

I want to get lost in your rock and roll
Sep 22, 2005
Stealing your grill
Where's SpongeBob


We cut to Patrick's alarm clock, which was basically the BFF Club Friendship ring from the Secret Box in "Friendship Alarm Clock" mode. It was facing up to the cieling. The clock readout was on the sides. Once it struck "7:00", the little SpongeBob and Patrick popped up and sung.

Friendship Alarm Clock: It's the best friends forever, best friends forever, best friends forever, alarm!

Patrick immediately sprung out of bed.

Patrick: Good morning, Rocky!

Rocky, being just a rock, stat there in his bed.

Patrick: (stepping outside) Today's the day! The sun is shining, (checking watch) The party's starting in three hours, and SpongeBob, Stevie, Gary, Coral, Rocky, and I are...

Then he remembered about Stevie. His joy immediately turned to depression.

Patrick: (gloomily) Oh, that's right. Stevie's not coming with us 'cause SpongeBob grounded him. (sighs) Why'd he have to be so hard on the little guy? (starts walking towards SpongeBob's house) The aftereffects of watching that movie shoulda been punishment enough. (imitating Stevie) Aah, Zombie Mom's gonna eat me!

He knocked on SpongeBob's door. Strangely, no one answered. So he knocked again. No answer.

Patrick: Hello?!
Stevie: (sniffling) Who's there?
Patrick: (knocking even harder) Stevie, it's me, Patrick.
Stevie: How am I to be sure you're not Zombie Mom?
Patrick: (knocking) No-Name, don't you recognize my voice?!
Stevie: Yeah, but in the movie, Zombie Mom could change her voice to sound like anyone!
Patrick: (pounding hard on door) Stevie, let me in before I go PokDouglas on yas!!!
Stevie: Okay, but you'd better promise not to bite my esophagus, okay?

Stevie opened the door. He was breathing heavily and sniffling. Blacktears were streaming down his face. He had bags under his (eyes?).

Stevie: (sniffling, breathing heavily) Hi, Patrick.
Patrick: What's up with you?
Stevie: The sadness of not being able to go to the Goofy Goober's 29th Annual Seanut and Jelly Party with you guys combined with the fact that Zombie Mom and her night demons could attack at any minute kept me up most of the night! I didn't go to sleep until about two hours ago! Then when I woke up an hour ago, I was in Kelp Forest, laying against a dirty abandoned well. It took me half an hour to find my way home!
Patrick: Oh, wow. Where's SpongeBob?
Stevie: (speaking a bit clearer) I don't know. (sniffles) He was gone when I came back.
Patrick: WHAT?!!?

He immediately hightailed it and looked everywhere. He looked in the bedroom.

Patrick: SpongeBob???

He looked in the fridge.

Patrick: Hey, sponge!

He looked in Stevie's cage in the basement.

Patrick: Spongebuddy...mania?*

He even looked under Gary's and Coral's shells.

Patrick: Are you in there, buddy?
Gary and Coral: Meow!
Patrick: (as Stevie is leaning against the wall slurping a soda) I can't find him! I need help!

End of Where's SpongeBob?

Next scene: Beauty and the Theif!

*Just a little tribute to our dear forum.

Stinkoman 20X6

I want to get lost in your rock and roll
Sep 22, 2005
Stealing your grill
Good mood! Another scene!

Beauty and the Thief

We immediately cut to Patrick running towards Sandy's treedome.

Patrick: SANDY!!!!!!!

Inside, Sandy was trying to mend a small crack-leak on her roof.

Sandy: Daggone it, you dumb leak! I oughta tie ya to a racehorse and send y'all to the alamo!
Patrick: (busting in wearing water helmet) Sandy, I need your help!
Sandy: PATRICK, YOU BARNACLEHEAD!!! I don't have time for you and SpongeBob, right now! (pointing at leak) Can't you see I gots me a leak the size of a buffalo wearing a huge saddle in November?!
Patrick: Stand back.

Sandy did as he instrcuted, even though she doubted whatever plan Patrick was gonna come up with would work.
Patrick took out a big stick and started jabbing the leak, making the crack spread and the leak grow bigger.

Patrick: WHY...WON'T...YOU...DIE?!!?
Sandy: (grabs stick from Patrick) Patrick, you're only making it worse!
Patrick: But Sandy, it's important! SpongeBob's gone missing!
Sandy: SpongeBob's gone missing?! (throws brick at leak, plugging it up) Well, why didn't y'all just say so?

We cut to Sandy and Patrick tracing SpongeBob's DNA with an invention of Sandy's called the "Sniff-o-tron". It looked like a metal detector, except that the head was shaped like a dog's head, and the nose was the sensor, or the "sniffer" as Sandy called it.

Patrick: Are you sure this'll work, Sandy?
Sandy: Positive. The sniff-o-tron's made to do one thing: sniff out DNA samples. I found some of SpongeBob's drool on my picnic table.

Immediately after she said that, the nose started to blink red and the dog head started barking.

Sandy: I think it's found something!

The sniff-o-tron led the duo back to SpongeBob's house, where it pointed to a peachbasket with a blanket cover on it in the living room.

Sandy: It looks like the Sniff-o-tron's found SpongeBob DNA in that there peachbasket!

Patrick lifted the blanket to show that sitting in the peachbasket was Stevie, cowering in it and shivering.

Stevie: Hey, do you mind? Zombie Mom's night demons have very sensitive hearing.
Sandy: Zombie Mom's what?
Patrick: Don't ask.
Sandy: (sighs) How could I forget? Stevie's DNA is genetically altered from SpongeBob's, so when the Sniff-o-tron detected Stevie's DNA, it was a match with SpongeBob's drool sample.
Patrick: Any more bright ideas?
Stevie: Have you tried throwing a scrapbook party? That might work.
Sandy: I know! We'll form a search party!
Patrick: No, that's dumb. I know! We'll form a search party!
Sandy: Patrick, maybe I should use you to plug that leak!

A bubble transition brought us to the Krusty Krab.

End of Beauty and the Thief

Next scene: Gold Team Rules!

Stinkoman 20X6

I want to get lost in your rock and roll
Sep 22, 2005
Stealing your grill
Wow, three scenes so fast! I'm good!

Gold Team Rules!

A bubble transition brings us to the Krusty Krab. Squidward is fast asleep at the register. An angry line of customers, with an angrey Fred at front, keeps dinging the bell.

Fred: Will you wake up and take my order already, you trash compactor?!!?

Sandy, Patrick, Stevie, and the Sniff-o-tron immediately bust into the Krusty Krab.

Sandy: Everyone, I need to round up a search party! SpongeBob's gone missing!

Squidward smiled joyfully at Mr. Krabs, standing next to him.

Mr. Krabs: Man the lifeboats!
Sandy: Gold Team, you search north. Alpha, you go south! Any questions?
Big Muscles: Gold Team rules!*
Anchovy Customer: (raising hand) Uh, I got a question.
Sandy: Yes?
Anchovy Customer: (puts hand down) Why is this practically Pre-Hibernation Week with that weird blue kid in it?

We immediately cut to Stevie, who is down on his knees watching two baby maggots race slowly across the floor.

Stevie: Go, Concephrius, go!**
Sandy: (in Anchovy Customer's face) That's not the point! Without SpongeBob, this show could get cancelled!
Anchovy Customer: (pondering) Hm, can't argue with that. I need this show's income to pay off my morgage!
Stevie: Yeah, and I've only been on this show for half a season!
Sandy: Exactly, now who's with me?!!?
Squidward: (climbing back into register) Great. Wake me up when you find him.
Mr. Krabs: (grabbing Squidward, right tentacle) Oh no you don't, Mr. Squidward! Without a fry cook as good as SpongeBob, the Krusty Krab will go out of business! Now go find SpongeBob, OR YOU'RE FIRED!!!
Squidward: *steps out of register and sighs*
Sandy: Alright, let's go find SpongeBob!!!

A bubble transition brought us to the next scene.

End of Gold Team Rules!

Next scene: Where'd Ya Go, Buddy!

*Big Muscles is the name I gave to the orangish musuclar character from Pre-Hibernation Week and The Fry Cook Games.
**The name Concephrius doesn't have much origin to it. I pulled that name out of my brain somewhere. :)

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the next scene has a little special treat for you. A song! :lol:

Band Geek

Pursuit Blast Destroy
Mar 14, 2006
*uber-hyper* A SONG! A SONG! A SONG! A SONG! A SONG! A SONG! A SONG! A SONG! Breaking the fourth wall! A SONG! A SONG! A SONG! A SONG! A SONG! Animal Crossing Wild World! A SONG! A SONG! A SONG!

Stinkoman 20X6

I want to get lost in your rock and roll
Sep 22, 2005
Stealing your grill
Where Are Ya, Buddy?

Sandy, Patrick, Stevie, and Squidward were all walking down the road with the search party all carrying megaphones.

Sandy and Patrick: SpongeBob!
Patrick: Spongebuddy!
Squidward: SpongeBob!
Stevie: Zombie Mom!
Squidward and Stevie: I beg of you, please oh please don't come out wherever you are.

That's when music started to play.

Patrick: Where are ya, buddy?
I need you for the party!
The big Goofy Goober's one,
So we can't be tardy!

Sandy: Where are ya, buddy?
This show could be nothing!
But with you here,
Maybe it'll be something!

Squidward: Where are ya, moron?
I hate you, I despise you!
The only thing I like about you,
Is your yummy pies...you!*

Patrick and Sandy: Where are ya, buddy?
Our hearts are beating like a bomb,
Because we can't be without...

Stevie: Zombie Mom!

All music immediately stopped.

Patrick: Okay, Stevie, you just ruined the moment there.
Stevie: I know, but look!

He pointed to a poster of Zombie Mom III: Were-Jellyfish Panic! hanging on the theater wall.

Stevie: IT'S ZOMBIE MOM!!!
Patrick: Stevie, it's a poster.
Stevie: Oh, heh heh, yeah. I knew that.

The music began again.

Where are ya, buddy?
Where oh where oh where?
We're getting really tired now,
And we think there's a sea bear!

Where are ya, buddy?
There or there or there?
But you would do the same for us,
So I guess it's only fair!

Where are ya, buddy?
Here or there or here?
So don't worry, buddy,
There's nothing to fear!
Sandy, Patrick, and Stevie:
Cause we're coming for you,
Oh yes oh yes we are!

Where are ya, buddy?
Where oh where oh where?

Are you there, buddy?
We have to find you!

Please come back, buddy!
Before the break of night!

Where are ya, buddy?
Oh where are ya, buddy?

Then it really started to build up.

Oh where oh where oh where arrrrrrre yooooouu, buuuuuu....

Stevie: I have to go the bathroom!

A bubble transition brought us to the next scene.

End of Where Are Ya, Buddy?

Next scene: Searching Everywhere!

*Bad rhyme. :O

Stinkoman 20X6

I want to get lost in your rock and roll
Sep 22, 2005
Stealing your grill
Searching Everywhere

Sandy, Patrick, Squidward, and the search party were standing near a port-a-potty in the sulfur fields, waiting for Stevie to come out.

Sandy: (snaps fingers) Say, I got an idea! (pulls out Sniff-o-tron) While Stevie's finishing up in there, let's keep searching with the Sniff-o-tron.
Squidward: Let's just do it so I can go home and play my clarinet.

Sandy activated the Sniff-o-tron and they walked away as the SOT searched for clues. Stevie walked out, with a soggy piece of toiletpaper stuck to his foot.

Stevie: I feel a lot better now, guys! Guys?

A bubble transition brought us back to the search party, whom were in the thinner grounds of the sulfur fields.

Patrick: Hey, Sandy? The party started about an hour ago. Do you think we'll have enough time to make it there?
Sandy: Patrick, the Goofy Goober's Annual Seanut and Jelly Party lasts for a week, right?
Patrick: Uh-huh.
Sandy: Then I'm sure you'll have plenty of time there. But first, we gotta find SpongeBob.
Patrick: Right.

Squidward stopped to take a breather when the ground suddenly caved in underneath his feet. He fell into an underground layer of sulfur, which shot him back up.

Squidward: Whoa!!!

He landed on the ground, badly burnt up.

Sandy: (calling back) Careful there, Squiddy. There's a whole underground layer of sulfur underneath these fields, and the ground just gets thinner by the mile!
Squidward: (weakly) Thanks for the tip.

Then, the ground caved in again.

Squidward: AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

Narrator: TO BE CONTINUED...

A bubble transition brought us to commerical break.

Next scene: We Gotta Look Everywhere!

Stinkoman 20X6

I want to get lost in your rock and roll
Sep 22, 2005
Stealing your grill
We Gotta Look Everywhere!

It was now early dusk. A small fog had drifted over. Little less then half of the search party had given up and decided to go home. Only 52% percent of the search party remained, including Squidward, Patrick, and Sandy.

Squidward: (tired out) Can we slow down a little? I'm dying here!
Sandy: (holding flashlight and using Sniff-o-tron) Squidward, the more we trudge on, the sooner we'll find SpongeBob, so just deal with it!
Patrick: True, but he's got a point. I'm just about ready to go to bed now, Sandy! Can we just go home and keep trying tomorrow?
Sandy: Patrick, I'm suprised at y'all! Have y'all looked everything y'all possibly thinked to look?!
Patrick: (checks insdie underwear) Now I have.
Sandy: Well, I haven't! Do y'all want to find SpongeBob or not?!
Patrick: Yes.
Squidward: No.
Sandy: (sighs) The point is, we gotta look everywhere, every time, everywho, everywhat, everyhow, and everywhy!
Squidward and Patrick: What?
Sandy: (sighs again) Just keep looking.

A bubble transition brought us to tomorrow night. It was now 4:59.

Patrick: (tucking himself in) A whole two days' worth of searhcing, and still no sign of SpongeBob. I'm starting to wonder if we'll ever find him.

Then just like that, he was out like a light.

End of We Gotta Look Everywhere!

Next scene: Must...Stop...ZOMBIES!!!

The next scene contains a callback to a line from the scene "Where's SpongeBob?". Here it is:

Stevie: I didn't go to sleep until about two hours ago! (It was 7:00 that morning.) Then when I woke up an hour ago, I was in Kelp Forest, laying against a dirty abandoned well.

So remember that line for the next scene.


Feb 28, 2006
This is such a great fan fic! I love those parts with Zombie Mom! I just knew they were a spoof of Zack and Cody!