A Friend's Characteristics..


random gal
Jul 9, 2014
So, I am struggling with my friends this year as some of you might have noticed from my status updates..Last Thursday was really tough for me....I experienced IGNORANCE from my own friends...I don't really want to give any further information about what happened last week, exactly same day..BUT, today I found an essay that I wrote on October 23, 2013 , 3 years ago when I was 13 and the topic of the essay was about how I think friend's characteristics should be..And I was like , I am NOT going to read it...Iam going to write right now , as a George of 02/02/2017 what I think a friend should do/have as characteristics...And guess what....Me of 02/02/2017 and ME from 23/10/2013 (or 10/23/2013 , however you write the date..) had the SAME arguments....So basically they are three! I just want my friend to be HONEST with me.., lying is one of the things I can't stand ...then it is, TRUST , if you and your friend doesn't have trust together, then IDK , I don't think this friendship is going to last for a long time...the last thing is ACTIONS, friends can say ''Oh I am here for you'' and blah blah blah but do they actually show you that they care for you with ACTIONS? That's a really important thing for me...Friends should be here for tough times as well, and be supportive with you...I might sound a little bit of thoughtful writing this, and yes, I am...I experienced really TOUGH days last week, it was probably one of the weakest weeks of my life...Sorry for writing A BIG topic, but I wanted to share that with you.. Tell me what do YOU think a friend's characteristics should be in order to be a true and good friend..
Sep 16, 2013
I agree with these.

Friends also shouldn't turn their backs on you just because you disagree with them or their actions. Sadly, this characteristic did not apply to many of the "friends" I have made.