Next up, we've got "Boat Smarts"! Ooh boy. Honestly, full disclosure—
Wait, what do you mean I’m not reviewing “Boat Smarts”? But I thought…wait let me check the episode name again…….ohhhhh I see. Yep, my B. Today we’re reviewing “Yellow Pavement”. And yes, this entire introduction is a bit, because obviously I know that “Boat Smarts” is a long time ago now. But I’ve seen this episode called a rip-off so many times now, I knew I just had to do a bit. So let me actually watch it now to see if this claim is true. And you guys know how hard it is for me to call anything a rip-off. And let me just say that the fact that this episode is a full-length, and “Boat Smarts” is a short, makes me wary of the claim that this episode is a rip-off already. That doesn’t automatically exclude it, but it does already differentiate “Yellow Pavement” from “Boat Smarts”.
Now why is the
title card for this episode in freaking Calibri font??? That’s it, no more of these title cards, let’s get back to the normal style. Also, the title card music being
Horlepiep…should I make a similarity counter? Sure, why not. “
Boat Smarts” Similarity Counter: 1. Though this one barely counts, we all know that’s the premiere boating school track.
Oh dear, this episode is also an educating boating film, just like “Boat Smarts”.
“Boat Smarts” Similarity Counter: 2. Though I must say that the older episode had the better idea with it being a video put together by a group against SpongeBob ever driving a boat LMAO. But yeah, I can see where the rip-off (or, from now on, rehash, as I think that's a better descriptor in this case) claims come from, especially as we see that it’s SpongeBob and Squidward who star in this video…
”Boat Smarts” Similarity Counter: 3. However, I’m going to need more if I am to call this episode a rehash. Yes, it’s very similar to “Boat Smarts” where the basic plot is concerned, but there is still clear opportunities for differences here, and I won’t make a judgement until I’ve seen if those opportunities are taken. And also, I need to actually review the episode for what it is.
Frankly, as this episode begins, I’m getting more “Krusty Krab Training Video” vibes than “Boat Smarts”, probably because the purpose of the video we’re seeing is more similar to the former than the latter in ways that I find difficult to explain properly. So far, I’m liking the snide remarks form of the humor for this episode. Reminds me a lot of my favorite episode in the show. Moving on, we then get…oh dear. Yeah this five-point check bit is quite similar to the tire pressure segment of “Boat Smarts”.
“Boat Smarts” Similarity Counter: 4. Not to be a
DragonBall Super hater riding Toyotaro for art similarities
yeah (
yeah). And yes we did get the same beginning of a joke with SpongeBob filling up his tires too much. But the joke ends up much different to the one in “Boat Smarts” (as this section is about checking 5 parts of the boat…also the joke was good) so I’m not too irritated. However I am again reminded of “Krusty Krab Training Video” as this section ends with SpongeBob asking if he could get his license now.
KKTV Similarity Counter: 1. Well shoot, I’m almost more inclined to call this episode a rehash of that one. I guess I could say it rehashes both, if I decide to come to that conclusion. I stay strong. For now.
The next section of the episode, entering traffic, was pretty amusing. I like how SpongeBob just came out of nowhere. The absolute force of chaos he is behind a wheel never fails to entertain, especially when we see him from an outside perspective like this. And yeah I’m really getting irritated at the joke pulled straight from “Krusty Krab Training Video”. Because that episode is so unique in the show, it feels wrong to have any joke that uses its unique format be used in another episode, even if it also has a similar format. You feel me?
The third lesson is about spotting pedestrians, and it is also decently amusing. I loved the part where Squidward’s like “how cliche!”. And then was that a thug life reference???? Oh my lord. Best part of the episode so far. And then I love how Mrs. Puff refers to SpongeBob with a scientific name at first. See, I’m liking this. I’ve actually liked most of the episode so far, which I’ll get to later. Is this part of the episode the origin of the “Hi Squidward” memes? (I know it’s not, because SpongeBob saying “Hi Squidward” before causing chaos in the guy’s life is a common joke in the show, but let me have my fun). Squidward ends up hitting a ripped lady, who throws him in a garbage truck. Yeah, best segment so far.
Next lesson is about navigation. I like how this episode has Squidward being progressively more hurt. This does differentiate it from “Boat Smarts”, which as you can see, I haven’t written down a similarity in a while. Yes, this episode does overall contain the similarity of the bad driver causing harm to the good driver, but I’ve already covered that in the 3rd hit on the similarity counter. Anyway, I feel like the slow children at play part is like…the first time I’ve liked the use of slo-mo. So yay! This section also ends in a random explosion, and y’all know I love those.
Next lesson is about proper passenger etiquette. Well I must say I’m loving all of these random lessons. I think having a bunch of new lessons also helps to differentiate this episode from “Boat Smarts”. And as I haven’t written a similarity in some time, I’m starting to wonder if I’ll be calling this episode a rip-off at all. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Poor Squidward is so brutalized by this point. I like that this episode supports my policy of not letting my passengers touch the aux lol. Yes I’m a control freak. This lesson leads right into the next, which is about road rage. See, that’s something I’ll never do. Because first off, I can critically think. And second off, I live in the US…anybody could have a gun. Remember that. In this section we see an appearance of Patrick, who’s driving quite the hot rod. And this sets off Squidward’s road rage. Okay now come on, the “RAGE” joke??? You just took “POOP”’s whole flow?? Oh h*** no! We don’t do that here.
KKTV Similarity Counter: 2. And yes the joke was funny, but don’t think I didn’t see that ish. SpongeBob somehow manages to calm Squidward down in a pretty entertaining scene, and I like how it turns out to have caused a traffic jam. And then poor Squidward ends up brutalized once more, but at least we don’t have to see it.
And then I guess we were watching this video on a projector the whole time, as the tape ends up burning out. And then SpongeBob becomes the tape. I like the silhouette part of this episode, I think it’s a neat touch. SpongeBob finishing the video himself is also pretty cute. And, importantly, it also helps to differentiate the episode even more. Good.
Alright, so, “Yellow Pavement”…I actually liked this episode. It was pretty funny and entertaining throughout. Such a shame that it took so much from two episodes: “Boat Smarts” and “Krusty Krab Training Video”. Listen, episodes can be similar. If I didn’t believe that, I’d call every Krusty Krab episode a rip-off, every episode involving the core trio a rip-off, heck every boating school episode would be a rip-off. Y’all know I don’t care about episodes sharing some similarities. HOWEVER, “Yellow Pavement” goes above and beyond. While it is in no way a carbon copy of either of these episodes, and for the most part, the second half of the episode is pretty independent of the clear influences, this episode borrows quite a bit from the two aforementioned episodes. A bit too much, I’d say. From “Krusty Krab Training Video”, it takes two iconic jokes. That’s already unacceptable, because if you’re going to borrow jokes, don’t use the iconic ones! (And yeah, with an episode like KKTV, it would be hard to borrow from it at all because it’s an iconic episode. Hence why episodes tend to
not do that.) From “Boat Smarts”, this episode not only takes its format (which itself was taken from KKTV), which wouldn’t be too bad on its own, but it also takes its characters, a couple plot points, and even a joke set-up. A couple of these things (between KKTV and “Boat Smarts”) would be fine, not a problem. But all of them? Oh yeah, no.
“Yellow Pavement” just barely can be called a rehash. Not because it doesn’t do that ish, because it totally does, but because it also includes a bunch of original stuff. There’s a lot more original jokes here than reused ones, and the last 3 or so minutes is completely new plot and format. So the entire episode isn’t a rehash, but a good chunk of it does fall under that category. Hence, just barely a rehash. So, what does this mean for my review? Well…I don’t think it means all that much. I’m more offended that one of the episodes that this episode partially rehashed was “Krusty Krab Training Video”, AKA my favorite episode. If it was another episode, I would not care nearly as much. And again, I actually really liked this episode! So…I’ll dock some points for it being a rehash (AKA it’s automatically banned from the Amazing and Great tiers), but I would for sure watch this episode again.
Episode Tier: Good
Episode Score: 7.9/10