283a. Ma and Pa's Big Hurrah

First really good episode in a while, funny how the roles reversed and SpongeBob was the mature one

Yeah, this has gotta be one of if not my favourite episode in Season 13. It's so refreshing seeing an episode of this season be more relaxed compared to the wacky fan-service parade most of this season is. The visuals were nice and the soundtrack great. This is an episode that feels like it was plucked right out of 9B.

My only issue is that the story is rather cliché, it's the typical "it's okay to be childlike" thing we've seen before in Grandma's Kisses. But that didn't blemish my enjoyment of the episode. Let's hope more episodes like this are made!

Best episode of season 13 IMO. Get to see more of SpongeBob's parents and it was fun to see SpongeBob acting "mature." 9/10. Probably my favorite Kaz-written episode since he returned in season 9B.
I finally decided to catch up on Season 13 episodes and started with this one... eh

I kinda liked some of the jokes with SpongeBob's agenda but I didn't really find myself liking anything else. I didn't even find myself hating anything which is something even the best episodes of the season (that I've seen anyway) can't prevent, which is pretty impressive. But it felt like I was just mindlessly watching things happen the whole time. It's a fine enough plot I guess but I didn't find myself engaging with the story or the characters or anything like that, positive or negative. It was just kind of alright. I get what they were trying to do but I didn't find the stuff SpongeBob's parents did entertaining really. Also why do so many episodes with SpongeBob's house have to do with homes rotting or becoming unusable? I'll give it a 6.5/10 because, while it wasn't something I could say I disliked, I didn't really find myself caring about the story or the humor. That's not a bad score given my thoughts on this season, though. Also I knew that wrestler was Patrick the second they came onscreen.
I finally decided to catch up on Season 13 episodes and started with this one... eh

I kinda liked some of the jokes with SpongeBob's agenda but I didn't really find myself liking anything else. I didn't even find myself hating anything which is something even the best episodes of the season (that I've seen anyway) can't prevent, which is pretty impressive. But it felt like I was just mindlessly watching things happen the whole time. It's a fine enough plot I guess but I didn't find myself engaging with the story or the characters or anything like that, positive or negative. It was just kind of alright. I get what they were trying to do but I didn't find the stuff SpongeBob's parents did entertaining really. Also why do so many episodes with SpongeBob's house have to do with homes rotting or becoming unusable? I'll give it a 6.5/10 because, while it wasn't something I could say I disliked, I didn't really find myself caring about the story or the humor. That's not a bad score given my thoughts on this season, though. Also I knew that wrestler was Patrick the second they came onscreen.
season 13 has an odd feeling that isnt present in any of the other seasons

i'm enjoying what i'm seeing but it just feels off, even the best episodes of the season feel off

the show is just on auto pilot at this point
season 13 has an odd feeling that isnt present in any of the other seasons

i'm enjoying what i'm seeing but it just feels off, even the best episodes of the season feel off

the show is just on auto pilot at this point
I 100% agree, there's just something that's present in every single episode that's off and I can't figure out what... Something about the atmosphere is just off.
I hadn't really thought about it but it does seem a little off. It won't happen but I think the perfect thing for the franchise at this point would be to pull the plug on the series and spin offs and just focus on doing movies for Paramount+/theaters. The crew wouldn't be quite as overworked and it would keep the franchise around and relevant as movies are going to create more hype than just standard episodes. SpongeBob is still very much loved by the general public but the ratings show that people outside of the diehard fans like most of us here aren't that interested in the new episodes.
I think that was a good episode. 7.5/10.
I remember loving this episode when it aired. It was the my favorite of the season but quickly got dethroned by 285.

This episode is entertaining and is on par with Seasons 10-11 imo
I didn't like how they literally mentioned politics
I don’t see why this is a problem since no political stance was taken. If the episode did take an outright political stance, I’d definitely agree with you, but the joke is completely apolitical. I thought it was funny personally, and unfortunately it describes a good chunk of social media.
This episode is pretty good! This is probably the first episode to truly focus on SpongeBob's parents. There was a chance to do this in "A SquarePants Family Vacation," but I felt like they missed the opportunity there. That special didn't focus on his parents as much as I would have liked. His parents have been in the series for years, but they haven't been utilized very much. Their personalities and dynamic as a couple is expanded on here. Before this, they were pretty much just "SpongeBob's parents," without really showing much of their personality or identity.

We finally get to see where Mr. & Mrs. SquarePants live! They also live in fruit, an avocado retirement home. In this episode, we see they have a wild side, and this leads to a lot of hijinks. Before in the series, we didn't see this side of them. We just saw them as pretty normal parents overall from what I can remember. We also see they get along well and have a good marriage. I like being able to see Harold and Margaret interact more. It's good to see them be expanded on more. SpongeBob's grown up act is honestly quite funny too. The way he talks is hilarious. It's interesting to see that he gets so into acting mature, he persists in acting this way even though his parents are acting wild.

I also like the idea of Mr. and Mrs. SquarePants being luchadors. It's fun! But Patrick randomly being a luchador too is a little weird to me. It's kinda funny I guess, but it's just kinda weird and random to me. The ending with him is kinda different too imo. It's still kinda humorous though. I'm not sure if Patrick's presence was too necessary in an episode focused on SpongeBob's parents. This isn't a big deal though, and his appearance in this episode isn't that bad at least.

They should keep making episodes like this that further explore underused characters and interactions. Avoid just making episodes that "go through the motions" and not do anything new. There's a lot of potential for new ideas if they keep going this route. And to the crew's credit, they have been making more episodes focusing on other characters and relationships. I really dig this episode as it focuses on notable characters that were really underutilized and expanded on them. The episode is also pretty funny and enjoyable.
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I’ve heard a little bit about “Ma and Pa’s Big Hurrah”. I know the basic plot, and more importantly, I know that this is the return of some characters we haven’t seen in quite some time—SpongeBob’s parents! Given that this is a show where the main character goes back and forth on the child-adult line, I’m surprised we don’t see his parents more. But you know, I think it’s for the better that we don’t. It just works better for the plots used in the show and the general vibes. That's not to say I'm unhappy about SpongeBob's parents being the stars of this episode, because I very much am. I like seeing secondary and tertiary characters be expanded on.

I’d like to think that the beginning of this episode, showing that SpongeBob’s parents live in a retirement community, is evidence of some kind of time passing in the show. Because in “Blackjack”, they seemed to live on their own in their own house, definitely not in a retirement community. So perhaps they’ve gotten older. Yes, I know the show has no continuity, but it’s fun to imagine like this. Anywho, clearly their home choice is not the best, as the avocado they’re living in rots and leaves them without a place to stay. Except for the part where they do have a place to stay—their son’s house! I love this cut to SpongeBob acting like a supreme idiot, but it in a fun way. I have a feeling that his parents are going to cramp his style…or perhaps vice versa considering the title and the very little I know about the plot.

Again, it’s so weird to think of SpongeBob having a parental presence and influence. It’s like those moments when you think about how someone you’ve come across in life has a sibling. Like, they’ve got a whole life outside of what you know. And even SpongeBob, a character we’ve been watching for over 500 episodes now, it feels like I don’t know about this aspect of his life. So it’s weird. But now that I think about it, having his parents around would really up the sitcom vibes of this show haha.

This episode is also wonderful because it plants its foot firmly into the adult side of the child-adult line. I’m not quite at the age where I can understand this yet, but I can theoretically understand what it’s like to have your parents visit you when you’ve become established as an adult. I’m almost surprised that this is apparently the first time SpongeBob’s parents have stayed with him. But clearly he doesn’t talk to his parents a whole bunch, so I guess that’s not all that surprising. I really like this little “conflict” here of SpongeBob feeling like he has to play up being an adult to impress his parents. You know what this makes me think of? Are we about to get an improved version of “Grandma’s Kisses”? Stay tuned.

SpongeBob deep cleans his place from top to bottom, and Patrick shows up for some pretty funny gags. That all reminds me of “I’m With Stupid”, the actually good part of that episode. Where SpongeBob assumes his parents want him to be acting prim and proper, his parents are actually looking forward to absorbing some of SpongeBob’s youthful vigor. Well now I’m being reminded of “Mid-Life Crustacean”. So many remindings in this episode.

Oh yeah, I like this plot. The juxtaposition of SpongeBob and his parents is just too funny in its awkwardness (ah yeah, awkwardness humor done right, take that season 6! yeah i know we’re beyond it let me have fun), and the return of SpongeBob’s little persona (kind of) from “Swamp Mates” is great. The voice is just too freaking good. And I love how he keeps it up for long after I thought the joke would be done. The role reversal between him and Squidward was unexpected, but also beloved.

SpongeBob’s parents think that SpongeBob’s become, well, a square, and so they decide to sneak out and have some real fun. Now these are the older folks I wanna be around! I’m surprised we don’t actually follow them on their night out, we just see them coming back looking quite…inebriated. Oh my. SpongeBob ends up confronting his parents, and surprisingly, he does not decide to act like his normal self after seeing that his parents have gone out, and called him a square. Not entirely sure why he doubles down, but it keeps this amusing role reversal going, so I’m fine with it. SpongeBob here kind of reminds me of the way he was portrayed in the middle seasons, actually even the first few seasons as well.

SpongeBob is forced to have some fun by his parents. Dang, why is this kind of relatable. First they TP Squidward’s house LMAO. Then they go to a wrestling match. Okay, can I hang out with SpongeBob’s parents? Whatchu mean they’re there to wrestle?? I think I can see how SpongeBob got to be the way he is. Especially when seeing his parents get slapsticked. And, hilariously, when SpongeBob goes up to save them, they manage to teleport back to their seats, leaving SpongeBob to wrestle alone. Oh that’s so devilish…and so good for my entertainment! Next stop is the roller rink…for two seconds, as they end up skating through town. Poor SpongeBob just about loses his mind here.

Guys…I can’t believe it. After all this time, we’ve finally got SpongeBob getting mad again!!! Oh it’s all I’ve ever wanted. He’s not even mad here, just more irritated. But his rant is very, very entertaining. And I love how smug his mom looks, like she definitely knew that he was just pretending to be mature. And considering the rest of the episode, I’d say this was all a ploy to get SpongeBob acting like himself again. Yes, that’s what his parents say at the outset of them going through town, but I think the goal was to have SpongeBob break, not have him actually partake in any of the activities they do. Though SpongeBob’s wild ends up destroying his house, meaning he’s got to stay with his parents. Cute ending.

“Ma and Pa’s Big Hurrah” was a pretty great episode. I’ve really got no problems with it. I was expecting it to be a lot more chaotic than it actually was, but I’m perfectly happy with what we got. I think the toned-down scale of the “wildness” (considering we usually see a lot wilder things in this show) was fitting for this episode. And it was just nice to see SpongeBob’s parents again. Patrick also was present for some good running gags this episode. I like to think that his inclusion was a nod to “Home Sweet Pineapple”, and maybe “I’m With Stupid”.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.3/10
I’ve heard a little bit about “Ma and Pa’s Big Hurrah”. I know the basic plot, and more importantly, I know that this is the return of some characters we haven’t seen in quite some time—SpongeBob’s parents! Given that this is a show where the main character goes back and forth on the child-adult line, I’m surprised we don’t see his parents more. But you know, I think it’s for the better that we don’t. It just works better for the plots used in the show and the general vibes. That's not to say I'm unhappy about SpongeBob's parents being the stars of this episode, because I very much am. I like seeing secondary and tertiary characters be expanded on.

I’d like to think that the beginning of this episode, showing that SpongeBob’s parents live in a retirement community, is evidence of some kind of time passing in the show. Because in “Blackjack”, they seemed to live on their own in their own house, definitely not in a retirement community. So perhaps they’ve gotten older. Yes, I know the show has no continuity, but it’s fun to imagine like this. Anywho, clearly their home choice is not the best, as the avocado they’re living in rots and leaves them without a place to stay. Except for the part where they do have a place to stay—their son’s house! I love this cut to SpongeBob acting like a supreme idiot, but it in a fun way. I have a feeling that his parents are going to cramp his style…or perhaps vice versa considering the title and the very little I know about the plot.

Again, it’s so weird to think of SpongeBob having a parental presence and influence. It’s like those moments when you think about how someone you’ve come across in life has a sibling. Like, they’ve got a whole life outside of what you know. And even SpongeBob, a character we’ve been watching for over 500 episodes now, it feels like I don’t know about this aspect of his life. So it’s weird. But now that I think about it, having his parents around would really up the sitcom vibes of this show haha.

This episode is also wonderful because it plants its foot firmly into the adult side of the child-adult line. I’m not quite at the age where I can understand this yet, but I can theoretically understand what it’s like to have your parents visit you when you’ve become established as an adult. I’m almost surprised that this is apparently the first time SpongeBob’s parents have stayed with him. But clearly he doesn’t talk to his parents a whole bunch, so I guess that’s not all that surprising. I really like this little “conflict” here of SpongeBob feeling like he has to play up being an adult to impress his parents. You know what this makes me think of? Are we about to get an improved version of “Grandma’s Kisses”? Stay tuned.

SpongeBob deep cleans his place from top to bottom, and Patrick shows up for some pretty funny gags. That all reminds me of “I’m With Stupid”, the actually good part of that episode. Where SpongeBob assumes his parents want him to be acting prim and proper, his parents are actually looking forward to absorbing some of SpongeBob’s youthful vigor. Well now I’m being reminded of “Mid-Life Crustacean”. So many remindings in this episode.

Oh yeah, I like this plot. The juxtaposition of SpongeBob and his parents is just too funny in its awkwardness (ah yeah, awkwardness humor done right, take that season 6! yeah i know we’re beyond it let me have fun), and the return of SpongeBob’s little persona (kind of) from “Swamp Mates” is great. The voice is just too freaking good. And I love how he keeps it up for long after I thought the joke would be done. The role reversal between him and Squidward was unexpected, but also beloved.

SpongeBob’s parents think that SpongeBob’s become, well, a square, and so they decide to sneak out and have some real fun. Now these are the older folks I wanna be around! I’m surprised we don’t actually follow them on their night out, we just see them coming back looking quite…inebriated. Oh my. SpongeBob ends up confronting his parents, and surprisingly, he does not decide to act like his normal self after seeing that his parents have gone out, and called him a square. Not entirely sure why he doubles down, but it keeps this amusing role reversal going, so I’m fine with it. SpongeBob here kind of reminds me of the way he was portrayed in the middle seasons, actually even the first few seasons as well.

SpongeBob is forced to have some fun by his parents. Dang, why is this kind of relatable. First they TP Squidward’s house LMAO. Then they go to a wrestling match. Okay, can I hang out with SpongeBob’s parents? Whatchu mean they’re there to wrestle?? I think I can see how SpongeBob got to be the way he is. Especially when seeing his parents get slapsticked. And, hilariously, when SpongeBob goes up to save them, they manage to teleport back to their seats, leaving SpongeBob to wrestle alone. Oh that’s so devilish…and so good for my entertainment! Next stop is the roller rink…for two seconds, as they end up skating through town. Poor SpongeBob just about loses his mind here.

Guys…I can’t believe it. After all this time, we’ve finally got SpongeBob getting mad again!!! Oh it’s all I’ve ever wanted. He’s not even mad here, just more irritated. But his rant is very, very entertaining. And I love how smug his mom looks, like she definitely knew that he was just pretending to be mature. And considering the rest of the episode, I’d say this was all a ploy to get SpongeBob acting like himself again. Yes, that’s what his parents say at the outset of them going through town, but I think the goal was to have SpongeBob break, not have him actually partake in any of the activities they do. Though SpongeBob’s wild ends up destroying his house, meaning he’s got to stay with his parents. Cute ending.

“Ma and Pa’s Big Hurrah” was a pretty great episode. I’ve really got no problems with it. I was expecting it to be a lot more chaotic than it actually was, but I’m perfectly happy with what we got. I think the toned-down scale of the “wildness” (considering we usually see a lot wilder things in this show) was fitting for this episode. And it was just nice to see SpongeBob’s parents again. Patrick also was present for some good running gags this episode. I like to think that his inclusion was a nod to “Home Sweet Pineapple”, and maybe “I’m With Stupid”.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score: 9.3/10
Hyped to find out what you think of Yellow Pavement
  1. Salty Sponge (10/10)
  2. Welcome To Binary Bottom (10/10)
  3. C.H.U.M.S (9.5/10)
  4. Ma And Pa's Big Hurrah (9.5/10)
  5. Patrick The Mailman (9.5/10)
  6. Karen For Spot (9.5/10)
  7. Say Aww! (9.5/10)
  8. Goofy Scoopers (9/10)
  9. Food PBFFT! Truck (8.5/10)
  10. Abandon Twits (8.5/10)
  11. A Place For Pets (8/10)
  12. Squidferatu (8/10
  13. Big Bad Bubble Bass (8/10)
  14. Under The Small Top (8/10)
  15. Squidward's Sick Daze (7.5/10)
  16. Sea Man Sponge Haters Club (7.5/10)
  17. Ain't That The Tooth (7.5/10)
  18. Spongebob's Road To Christmas (7.5/10)
  19. Walhalla (7.5/10)
  20. You're Going To Pay Phone (7.5/10)
  21. Arbor Day Dissarray (7/10)
  22. Potato Puff (7/10)
  23. Pat The Dog (6.5/10)
  24. Skin Wrinkle in time (6.5/10)
  25. Captain Pipsqueak (5.5/10)
  26. Lockdown For Love (5.5/10)
  27. Slappy Daze (5.5/10)
  28. Plane To Sea (3.5/10)
  29. There Will Be Grease (3/10)
  30. Upturn Girls (3/10)
  31. Something Narwhal This Way Comes (0/10)