269a. Under the Small Top


sponge on the run is not bad y'all are just mean
Jul 22, 2020
I liked the chase scene and all the scenes involving SpongeBob. It was pretty funny. 7/10


Squidward Tortellini
Apr 7, 2004
Planet Vegeta
Review: https://www.bubbleblabber.com/review-spongebob-squarepants-under-the-small-top-squidwards-sick-daze/

“Squidward’s Sick Daze” feels like a similar setup to the Ren & Stimpy Classic “Nurse Stimpy”. The only difference is, Ren never pretended to be sick in that episode and you’d think given the overwhelming nature of his ::dolphin noise::ty restaurant job, Squidward would have vacation days/hours, but instead, Mr. Krabs can easily see through the ::dolphin noise::.


Born On January 14
Apr 20, 2021

1. Squidward gets his karma.
2. Funny scenes.
3. Interesting plot.
4. It's one of those rare episodes where Spongebob plays a minor role.
5. Ghosts are in my bowl...ya-ta-ta-ta-ta...


The Pokemon Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2021
SpongeBuddy Mania
Definitely an episode that actually made it in my top 10 its a very funny and pretty fun episode! Also most of the jokes are funny also GHOST ARE IN MY BOWL YA-TA-TA-TA-TA me: LOL

Under The Small Top (11/10)
Pat The Dog: (10/10)
A Place For Pets (9/10)
Lockdown For Love (8/10)
Squidward's Sick Daze (2/10)
Last edited:


Frozen Cephalopod
Nov 2, 2020
I did not like it
The concept of this episode is cool but the execution was bad for me.
It is again Squidward torture and he acts like an idiot. For example, why did he whistle in the end of the episode?
I don't know


#1 SpongeBob Reviewer
Apr 23, 2016
Oh boy, a circus-themed episode…after “Don’t Feed The Clowns”, I’m not so enthused. Also I don’t normally care for circus-themed episodes anyway. But let’s give it a chance! That’s my motto, after all.

So it seems the plot here is that SpongeBob ordered a circus of fleas that are kind of…let me not use that word…forced workers. Yeah. There we go. Well, now I’m uncomfortable. Thanks episode! SpongeBob’s so excited for his circus that he turns down a bunch of mail that I’d gladly take in a heartbeat. His little ringmaster outfit is adorable. This episode also features a bunch of TV programs, like the oddly specific ads and Squidward’s dance program. I do love that this show keeps with the box TVs.

Gotta admit, I loved this scene of Squidward utterly roasting the mailman. Reminds me of “Squid Plus One”. At least the mailman decides to change his life about it. Speaking of the mailman though, he’s not the brightest tool in the shed, because SpongeBob literally asked about getting a package, he said no, and then he gave the package to Squidward…maybe it’s better that he is going back to fashion school (also that’s two episodes in a row now with some characters acting dumber than a box of rocks for no good reason…hmmm). Anyway, because Squidward gets SpongeBob’s package, he throws it in the trash. Why am I getting the feeling that this episode is going to be like “Bunny Hunt”?

I like this little continuation of Squidward’s singing tic from “Who R Zoo?”. His singing thing, like in that episode, makes him oblivious to what’s going on around him, namely the fact that fleas have infested his home. And when he eventually realizes, he thinks that ghosts are in his house. Oh, so we’re actually taking a different approach. Okay, I’m good with that. I wish I could go to sleep as easily as Squidward. He wakes up to the fleas having set up a circus on his bed. And he actually likes it??? It’s weird seeing Squidward so cheerful, but I like it. Though, that cheerfulness quickly goes away when the fleas start…eating him for lunch??? What in the world is going on here? I suppose this is one of those times where the ‘Squidward torture’ critique can be used, but I don’t really believe in that so I won’t use it. I will say that the slapstick doesn’t quite work for me, though. The bit with Squidward teaching the fleas how to actually cook him was kinda funny though.

As for SpongeBob, he finally realizes what’s going on at Squidward’s house. It’s at this point that I finally realize that this episode is similar to “A Flea In Her Dome”. Except somehow, I like the fleas in that episode more. Probably because they aren’t anthropromorphized circus fleas.

“Under the Small Top” was alright. I feel like the main conflict of the episode was very sudden and random, and that threw me off for the rest of the thing. The humor was also a little shaky, as a lot of the slapstick didn’t work for me. So that’s not great. I feel like this episode needed a more involved plot. The plot here is very simple, which is fine, but since the humor didn’t make up for it, perhaps a more complex plot would’ve helped things out.

Episode Tier: Okay
Episode Score:


The Pokemon Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2021
SpongeBuddy Mania
Oh boy, a circus-themed episode…after “Don’t Feed The Clowns”, I’m not so enthused. Also I don’t normally care for circus-themed episodes anyway. But let’s give it a chance! That’s my motto, after all.

So it seems the plot here is that SpongeBob ordered a circus of fleas that are kind of…let me not use that word…forced workers. Yeah. There we go. Well, now I’m uncomfortable. Thanks episode! SpongeBob’s so excited for his circus that he turns down a bunch of mail that I’d gladly take in a heartbeat. His little ringmaster outfit is adorable. This episode also features a bunch of TV programs, like the oddly specific ads and Squidward’s dance program. I do love that this show keeps with the box TVs.

Gotta admit, I loved this scene of Squidward utterly roasting the mailman. Reminds me of “Squid Plus One”. At least the mailman decides to change his life about it. Speaking of the mailman though, he’s not the brightest tool in the shed, because SpongeBob literally asked about getting a package, he said no, and then he gave the package to Squidward…maybe it’s better that he is going back to fashion school (also that’s two episodes in a row now with some characters acting dumber than a box of rocks for no good reason…hmmm). Anyway, because Squidward gets SpongeBob’s package, he throws it in the trash. Why am I getting the feeling that this episode is going to be like “Bunny Hunt”?

I like this little continuation of Squidward’s singing tic from “Who R Zoo?”. His singing thing, like in that episode, makes him oblivious to what’s going on around him, namely the fact that fleas have infested his home. And when he eventually realizes, he thinks that ghosts are in his house. Oh, so we’re actually taking a different approach. Okay, I’m good with that. I wish I could go to sleep as easily as Squidward. He wakes up to the fleas having set up a circus on his bed. And he actually likes it??? It’s weird seeing Squidward so cheerful, but I like it. Though, that cheerfulness quickly goes away when the fleas start…eating him for lunch??? What in the world is going on here? I suppose this is one of those times where the ‘Squidward torture’ critique can be used, but I don’t really believe in that so I won’t use it. I will say that the slapstick doesn’t quite work for me, though. The bit with Squidward teaching the fleas how to actually cook him was kinda funny though.

As for SpongeBob, he finally realizes what’s going on at Squidward’s house. It’s at this point that I finally realize that this episode is similar to “A Flea In Her Dome”. Except somehow, I like the fleas in that episode more. Probably because they aren’t anthropromorphized circus fleas.

“Under the Small Top” was alright. I feel like the main conflict of the episode was very sudden and random, and that threw me off for the rest of the thing. The humor was also a little shaky, as a lot of the slapstick didn’t work for me. So that’s not great. I feel like this episode needed a more involved plot. The plot here is very simple, which is fine, but since the humor didn’t make up for it, perhaps a more complex plot would’ve helped things out.

Episode Tier: Okay
Episode Score: 6.6/10
Personally I love this episode but I can see why you don't enjoy it that much


#1 SpongeBob Reviewer
Apr 23, 2016
Personally I love this episode but I can see why you don't enjoy it that much
It seems a lot of people liked this episode, which I was surprised about. Looking at your review, I agree that the "ya-ta-ta-ta-ta" joke was pretty funny.