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23a. Big Pink Loser

This is the best episode of Spongebob. Patrick I as so funny. S2 is also the best season.

Another classic episode with clever jokes and lines.

"Is this the Krusty Krab? No this is Patrick"
See SpongeBob writers, this is a Patrick episode done right.

He's not too jerky, he's really funny, it makes fun of his stupidity without him being too obnoxious. Perfect!
This was the 2nd episode of SpongeBob I ever saw (the first being MM&BB III, but let's not get into that too much here), and ever since it has always been my favourite. Something about all the jokes in it makes me laugh every single time I see it.

If you're new to the show and don't know where to start, this is one of the episodes you should see.
Another really funny episode with Patrick at his best :)
This episode is why I love Patrick so much (In seasons 1-3) he is an example of a hilarious idiot character 10/10
One of the episodes with Patrick at his best. It may not be one of my personal favorites, but I still enjoy it a lot.

This episode is really funny. I don't know if anyone noticed this, but the animations really followed SpongeBob's stock image for this episode. My favorite part of this episode is when both SpongeBob and Patrick are running back to their house.


Charater stock image comparison:

Big Pink Loser:

Stock Image
This is a good episode but I think it's kind of overrated because this season has a lot better episodes, but again I laughed at this episode and I enjoyed it...not one of my favourites though, giving it 8/10
This is an amazing episode, Patrick's really funny and it proves he's not a lazy slob who sits in house all day he actually achieves something that SpongeBob can't achieve, it's a really clever plot and really well executed and SpongeBob's not even trying to act like he's better than Patrick he just get's annoyed when Patrick tries to copy him because that's natural. Overall a really funny episode with a good plot.

The episode's quite funny, with key moments such as the whole "the lid" scene stealing the show!
Personally, it's not one of my all-time favorites, but enjoyable nonetheless.
It's pretty amazing, Patrick is at his best, and there were many funny moments.

I'm back woopee... So this episode was really funny. "Is this the krusty krab" "No this is Patrick." Next time I think Patrick should be less used though. So is this a bad episode? No is this a meh episode? No it's a GOLDEN episode duh 11/10 episode.
Episode: Big Pink Loser (S2-E23-A)

I LOVE THIS EPISODE! I grew up with that episode when I was a child. My most favorite line is:


Final Score = 10/10 :1st: :whoo:
I love this episode. Not only is it really funny, but it also shows Patrick at his best. There's also some really funny lines thrown in too.

Ranking so far:
1. Big Pink Loser (A+)
2. Squid's Day Off (A)
3. Your Shoe's Untied (B)
4. Something Smells (B)
5. Bossy Boots (C)
This is probably the best portrayal of Patrick, I completely agree.