127a. Tentacle-Vision


Born On January 14
Apr 20, 2021
Mediocre, which, in my reasoning, means both good and bad at the same time. 6.5/10


#1 SpongeBob Reviewer
Apr 23, 2016
New month, new season. Today begins not only the month of May, but also my reviews for season 7! Fun fact, 7 is my favorite number. Less fun fact: I already know this won’t be my favorite season. Yep, season 7 has quite a few “treats” for us to uncover, including two of the most infamous episodes in the show, another episode I already know I dislike immensely, as well as my least favorite episode of all time. So this should be very fun. Season 7 begins with “Tentacle-Vision”, which is actually a pretty good intro for the season. You know, it took me a very long time to realize that this title is supposed to be a play on “Television”. I think they kinda fumbled the bag on that one, because tentacle has too many syllables in it for the pun to work well.

I just adore when episodes begin with gorgeous backgrounds like this one does. I mean, the night background is not the most beautiful the show has to offer, but I always find these night backgrounds to be very appealing and soothing in their…blueness lol. And also, the beginning of this episode is just very calming and inviting. Which of course means that chaos must soon follow. Though perhaps not, as the next thing that happens is Squidward turning on the TV to watch something before 5 AM. Squidward’s line is some funny irony, because obviously nothing is good before 5 AM, it’s just infomercials. This beginning scene is a pretty good set up for the episode, and I liked the joke with Squidward trying to spit out his coffee and failing cuz he hadn’t made it, and then how he spits it out properly the second time.

I also think the idea of this episode is pretty interesting. It’s kinda funny how both the season openers of seasons 6 and 7 involve Squidward being on TV. I just think it’s something very much made for this character given his constant espousal of “culture” and whatnot. And this episode doesn’t disappoint in that regard. His call to Zeus is pretty funny to me. And Squidward’s enthusiasm and bragging is pretty entertaining to watch as well. I honestly think a Squidward show would be very fun to watch. And no I don’t mean a Squidward spin-off (although that has potential depending on how it’s done), but I mean like a show like the one here, in-universe, would be quite fun. That would be a really cool idea for the SpongeBob YouTube channel, actually.

One thing about my approach to reviews is that I at least attempt not to let previous (or future) episodes sway my feelings while watching the episode. I don’t care as much if they do so once I review it, but I do try to watch episodes with at least somewhat of a blank slate. I say all of this to say that even with this philosophy, I couldn’t help but feel trepidation when Patrick shows up. SpongeBob was good so far, but honestly Patrick has been the weakest character for me these last couple seasons, because he’s been having some really weak showings as of late. I was pleasantly surprised to see, though, that he was actually pretty good here. Yeah, the joke of him not seeing himself on TV was a little long and predictable, but it didn’t bore me and I found it to at least be amusing. Especially once Patrick gets more of a chance to bounce off other characters when Squidward asks him how stupid is he. And the part where he puts his mouth in front of the camera is hilarious.

I just love how this episode slowly devolves more in more into chaos. It starts with SpongeBob and Patrick here becoming behind-the-scenes workers for Squidward, since he can’t get rid of them. The way they suck at their jobs is pretty funny. Squidward tying Patrick to the camera was really great too. And then the rate of chaos starts to pick up as Mr. Krabs inserts himself into the show with a live ad, followed by Sandy (which thank God she’s in this episode y’all know I’ve been getting real tired). And if the inclusion of Sandy wasn’t enough to make me happy, we then get Pearl in this episode, which was a real surprise to me because she is so rarely included in episodes that aren’t about her and Mr. Krabs or her and SpongeBob. In a way, the remainder of the episode feels a lot like one of my favorite episodes, “Culture Shock”, which is a great comparison for an episode to have. Just seeing everyone come together to try and show off whatever they can in front of the camera, I just get that feeling. And then lastly Plankton gets in on it, and his death ray adds to the hectic nature of it all, and I love it. I suppose the only complaint I have here is that it could’ve been far more animated and expressive than it is, because as it is it feels a little bit stilted and stiff. But I’m okay with it as it is too, so it’s not a big complaint.

Seems like the episode isn’t ready to give up the pandemonium yet though, because we get a surprise appearance of Larry, who then brings a crap ton of people over to Squidward’s place for a house party. The TV executive guy coming in is hilarious to me when you remember that Squidward’s show is supposed to be on Public Access television. The way he just kicks all these random people out, including Squidward, is pretty funny. I’m curious as to what “Squidward’s House Party” is even supposed to be about, if it’s lasting 20 weeks. Well, whatever it is, I like the ending to this episode, I think it’s very amusing.

“Tentacle-Vision” is simply a very enjoyable episode. It has plenty of funny moments, and even when it’s not particularly funny, it’s very entertaining. I’m never bored by this episode at all, not even close, and that’s all I ask for. Well, I also ask that I don’t dislike what I’m watching, but I mean this episode doesn’t even begin to approach that so I don’t even need to bring it up, now do I? A really strong start to season 7, that’s for sure. If only it could stay this way forever.

Episode Tier: Amazing
Episode Score:


Moby Dollar
May 13, 2020
Weenie Hut Jr's.
Ah, season 7. Strap in, because this is gonna be a bumpy ride. And right off the bat we're starting with a pretty polarizing episode. Some people hate it, some people love it. Personally, I'm pretty indifferent on it. I really enjoy the concept of Bikini Bottom getting a public access TV show, as it's something that's never been explored before and fits Squidward quite well, but so much of this just feels like missed potential. I do think there are moments of genius here, such as the few gags that have to do with actually running the TV show. I really wish the episode was more about that instead of random shenanigans that feel kinda disconnected from everything else. Near the end of the episode, it just sort of derails and all the characters that they introduce just feel kinda inconsequential and annoying. I'm on board with some of the concepts presented here, but it ultimately doesn't stick for long.

Average episode (5/10)


The Pokemon Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2021
SpongeBuddy Mania
This one is sure going to be a bumpy ride to review as in Season 7. Tentacle-Vision is meh. Because the execution is completely decent a good idea ruined with Squidward torture.

Rating: Okay Episode

Tentacle-Vision (Okay)


The Guy Who Reviews UHHHHH
Feb 19, 2024
Lets strap in for the worst season of the show so this is a really good episode to start squidward did brought this upon himself except I didn't like the ending but its pretty good
  1. Tentacle Vision (8.5/10)