pet sitter pat

  1. q543frodomar

    My least favorite episode of Spongebob: Pet Sitter Pat

    This episode is, in my opinion, the worst episode I have ever seen. Ever. After 8 seasons, I have found an episode worse than One Coarse Meal. How is that possible? Well, at least in that episode, Krabs does get what he deserves for 30 seconds. Being tortured by mimes. It's not long, but it's...
  2. hasfarr

    164b. Pet Sitter Pat

    164b Another episode that aired tonight. My thoughts as the episode goes on: Guest star Marion Ross? Yay! Gramma's back! The mystery of Gramma's age continues... Squidward is probably still having second thoughts about pet sitting Gary, after the last time... Of course SpongeBob's gonna...