
  1. MainlySpoons

    What discontinued food item do you wish would make a return?

    As a kid my favorite snack was Yogos. Yogos were small spherical candies coated in fruit-flavored yogurt. I remember downing handfuls while hanging out at the park near my house. Unfortunately, these things were pretty swiftly discontinued for a completely valid reason. People began to realize...
  2. Underrated Candy

    I think Reese's Pieces is underrated.
  3. TheGreatWizard

    Are you going trick or treating?

    Well it's almost Halloween :sbhalloween: Which means it's time to get our trick or treating on! :shiftysponge: and wear costumes :sandyhalloween: :pearlhalloween: :boyhalloween: :pathalloween: :squidhalloween: So are you going? Or cowering in fear of the sp00ky skeletons that lie ahead?